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Aflevering 2, 2017 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Reclassering: professionalisering en samenwerking

Auteurs Drs. Jacqueline Bosker en Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet

Drs. Jacqueline Bosker
Dr. Jacqueline Bosker is hogeschoolhoofddocent bij het Instituut voor Recht en onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Werken in Justitieel Kader van Hogeschool Utrecht. Tevens is zij redacteur van PROCES.

Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet
Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet is zelfstandig gevestigd adviseur en onderzoeker. Hij is tevens redacteur van PROCES.

Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van de reclassering in vogelvlucht: 1823-heden

Trefwoorden Probation service, History of social work, history of pprobation, Solitary confinement, professionalization, Volunteer work, state control, social casework, resocialization, Alternative sanctions, What Works-debate
Auteurs Dr. Maarten van der Linde

    In the last decade history of social work gained a growing interest among social professionals, teachers, students and policy makers. They want to know more about the contributions the social work professions made to social welfare, community building and public safety. A website was launched, which today in 2017 presents the history of fifteen fields of social work:
    Part of this is the history of Probation. In this article this history is told, following highlights as the inspiration from Great Britain, the start in 1823 and the first decades of volunteer work. Probation tried to compensate the negative effects of solitary confinement. Since the early twentieth century the role of the state was growing (Probationcharter 1910) leading to 100% financial support in 1965 and 100% control in the 1980s. The probation service was integrated in the juridicial system, but became not an stateservice. Performance was delegated to relative independant institutions, heirs of the private probation associations of the past, with strong traditions of work ethic. This history of probation shows the influence of social casework methods since the 1950s, the search for a balance between dependance and independance from the state, and the balance between punishment and resocializing. Since the 1990s the role of probation in alternative sanctions, the contribution of volunteer work to a highly professionalized probation service and the What Works-debate brought innovation and new inspiration to the field of probation service.

Dr. Maarten van der Linde
Dr. Maarten van der Linde is emeritus lector Geschiedenis van sociaal werk aan de Hogeschool Utrecht.

Ruim baan voor het reclasseringswerk: doen wat nodig is

Trefwoorden Probation, court advice, custom made, professional discretion
Auteurs Drs. Jacqueline Bosker en Mr. dr. Katinka Lünnemann

    Since 2016 advices the probation service delivers to the public prosecution office or prison service are no longer financed by counting the number of advices produced, but by a lump sum budget. That should give probation officers the much needed room to do what is necessary in an individual case, instead of following strict protocols. This article describes the changes in the work of probation officers and their co-operation with public prosecutors, as a result of this change. Findings are based on ongoing research, and describe the practice at the end of 2016.

Drs. Jacqueline Bosker
Drs. Jacqueline Bosker is hogeschoolhoofddocent bij het Instituut voor Recht en onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Werken in Justitieel Kader van Hogeschool Utrecht. Tevens is zij redacteur van PROCES.

Mr. dr. Katinka Lünnemann
Mr. dr. Katinka Lünnemann is onderzoeker bij het Verwey-Jonker Instituut en bij het lectoraat Werken in Justitieel Kader van Hogeschool Utrecht.

English and Welsh experience of marketisation, payment by results and justice devolution in the probation sector

Trefwoorden Transforming Rehabilitation, Payment by Results, Justice Devolution, Innovation
Auteurs Prof. Chris Fox

    The UK government has embarked on an ambitious programme to reform the English and Welsh probation sector. Key to these reforms has been ‘marketisation’ involving Payment by Results. More recently the devolution of justice has become a key theme. This paper describes key reforms that have taken place since 2010 and sets out evidence for their effectiveness. Currently, the available evidence is limited, but more evidence is available from other sectors where similar models have also been used. This evidence base is discussed with particular reference to the potential for the reforms to promote innovation.

Prof. Chris Fox
Prof. Chris Fox is Professor of Evaluation and Policy Analysis and Director of the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Professionaliteit als norm in het reclasseringswerk

Trefwoorden Professionaliteit, praktijkgericht onderzoek, master Forensisch sociale professional, beroepsregister reclasseringswerkers
Auteurs Drs. Anneke Menger

    New demands require probation to invest in high standards of professionalism. Probation officers can nowadays build their professionalism on common values, scientific knowledge, professional discretion and public accountability. Collaboration with universities of applied sciences results in a common research agenda, new degree programs and well-structured post-initial training. Questions yet to answer are how to guarantee professionalism in a context of large professional discretion. Probation seeks answers in facilitating their professionals to do the master degree program forensic social professional, in developing peer audits based on new quality standards and in initiating a professional register.

Drs. Anneke Menger
Drs. Anneke Menger is lector bij het lectoraat Werken in Justitieel Kader van Hogeschool Utrecht.

Drs. Ellen Verbeem
Drs. Ellen Verbeem heeft een landelijke rol bij het Openbaar Ministerie, Parket Generaal, Den Haag.

Hoe slachtofferbewust werkt de reclassering?

Trefwoorden Probation, victim consciousness, Offenders, Recidivism, professional standards
Auteurs Debbie J.M. Mollen en Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet

    The probation in the Netherlands works more victim conscious since last year. Victim conscious working in probation is defined as: involving the perspective and interests of the victim when working with offenders. This broadly and to the extent it is justifiable from the primary task of the probation to reduce recidivism and promote the re-integration of probation clients/offenders. With this justification is both the moral level (right action) as being involved professional standards (effective action).
    The article describes, among other, a study on how the victim consciously work has been implemented within the Salvation Army Probation Service in the Netherlands.

Debbie J.M. Mollen
Debbie J.M. Mollen is werkzaam op de afdeling Executie bij het Ressortsparket Arnhem-Leeuwarden.

Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet
Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet is zelfstandig adviseur en onderzoeker en tevens redacteur van PROCES.

De reclassering en de lokale samenwerking

Trefwoorden Reclassering, sociaal domein,, samenwerken in het sociaal domein, frontlinie werker
Auteurs Drs. Lous Krechtig en Drs. Mirjam Wildeboer

    Recently the Dutch probation is faced with changes in the local situation: new forms of cooperation and networks have emerged, due to the transformation of the social domain. The probation officers participate on different levels in these networks. They can no longer simply deliver their ‘products’, but have to ‘do what is necessary. A lot of decisions have to be made on the operational level.
    Examples of the changes are given. Recent research on cooperation in the social domain show that ‘cooperation’ is easier sad then done. These changes ask for a new set of competences.

Drs. Lous Krechtig
Drs. Lous Krechtig is senior ontwikkelaar en onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Werken in Justitieel Kader bij het Kenniscentrum Sociale Innovatie van de Hogeschool Utrecht.

Drs. Mirjam Wildeboer
Mirjam Wildeboer is kwaliteitsfunctionaris voor de regio zuid-west van Reclassering Nederland en neemt deel aan de Master Forensisch Sociale Professional.

Reclassering, beeldvorming en identiteit

Trefwoorden Probation, Parole, identity advice, probation supervision, community service
Auteurs Prof. dr. Peter van der Laan

    The probation service gives advice to the court tens of thousands of time each year, coordinates tens of thousands of community service orders, and supervises tens of thousands of offenders. This is done professionally and takes place without much incidents or problems. However, the probation is not very well known to the general public. The identity of probation is also ambiguous and therefore not strong. There is less appreciation for the probation than they deserve. This can be met by making the probation service responsible for the implementation of all community-based sanctions (suspended sentences and other conditional modalities and community service orders), similar to the responsibility of the prison system for custodial sanctions and measures. Secondly, by differentiation in the nature and intensity of activities. Many probation clients do well. They represent only a low risk, and probation involvement may be limited. For other clients, more is needed: more activities, greater intensity and focus on criminogenic needs. It is proposed to distinguish between probation and probation plus. In both, probation supervision and community service are at the center, but the plus version is emphatically more focused on rehabilitation and reintegration, and thus on minimizing recidivism. This requires more efforts by the probation service. It also requires adapting the organization: one probation organization that is accountable and responsible for the implementation of community-based sanctions, but with the possibility to outsource work if special expertise and special activities are required.

Prof. dr. Peter van der Laan
Prof. dr. Peter van der Laan is verbonden aan de Vrije Universiteit en het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR).

Het plan van Mike

Auteurs Mr. Coosje Peterse

Mr. Coosje Peterse
Mr. Coosje Peterse is bestuurslid van de Haagse vereniging van jeugdrechtadvocaten (HVJA), (jeugdrecht)advocaat bij Sennef De Koning van Eenennaam Advocaten in Den Haag en redacteur van PROCES.