

Meer op het gebied van Criminologie en veiligheid

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Aflevering 6, 2015 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

De wetten van Asimow

Auteurs Dr. Janine Janssen

Dr. Janine Janssen
Dr. Janine Janssen is lector Veiligheid in afhankelijkheidsrelaties aan de Avans Hogeschool in Den Bosch en hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld van de Nationale Politie in Den Haag. Samen met Sigrid van Wingerden is zij voorzitter van de redactie van PROCES.

Politiële analyse van eerzaken in de rechtszaal

Trefwoorden eergerelateerd geweld – honour based violence, politie – police, rechtspraak – jurisdiction, rechter – judge
Auteurs Dr. Janine Janssen en Prof. mr. Jeroen Ten Voorde

    To improve the way honour cases are dealt with by the Dutch police, a national centre of expertise, the LEC EGG, was set up. When complex cases are at hand, the LEC EGG offers nationwide assistance to the regional police units. In this contribution the authors look into the use of the analysis by the LEC EGG in the courtroom. What role does analysis by the LEC EGG of honour-based violence have in the court’s decision making?

Dr. Janine Janssen
Dr. Janine Janssen is lector Veiligheid in afhankelijkheidsrelaties aan de Avans Hogeschool in Den Bosch en hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld van de Nationale Politie in Den Haag. Samen met Sigrid van Wingerden is zij voorzitter van de redactie van PROCES.

Prof. mr. Jeroen Ten Voorde
Prof. mr. Jeroen M. ten Voorde is werkzaam aan de Universiteit Leiden en de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en tevens rechter-plaatsvervanger in de rechtbank Noord-Holland.

Perikelen binnen vreemdelingenland

Auteurs Petra van Loosbroek

Petra van Loosbroek
Petra van Loosbroek is piketmedewerker bij het grenskantoor Schiphol voor de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst.

Doelen van straffen bereiken door lokale interventies

Taakstraffen in de wijk bezien in het licht van morele straftheorieën en visie van het Openbaar Ministerie

Trefwoorden community sentencing / taakstraffen, moral theories / morele theorieën, public prosecutor / openbaar ministerie, execution of punishments / executie van straffen
Auteurs Mr. Disa Jironet Loewe en Mr. Leon Plas

    The Dutch prosecutor’s office has set itself the goal of contributing to a safer and just society. This article investigates how a more proactive and innovative approach to the sanctioning of crimes can help towards realizing this goal. The authors take a close look at which types of sanctions could be ‘employed’ for this purpose, and when and how they ought to be executed, in the light of moral retributive and utilitarian theories on punishment. Specifically, the article considers community-sentencing punishments – punishments that are executed locally and in a way that is connected to context (perpetrator, neighbourhood) within which the crime was committed. The authors conclude that a visible connection between the crime and the punishment is vital to achieve the goals set out by the prosecutor’s office. However, at the same time various features of the execution of the punishment need to be considered in order to reach the right effect. This article does not purport to give a single answer these issues, but aspires to indicate where there is unexplored potential in the way community sentences are executed, and hopes to give a framework of what needs to be considered in order to do so effectively.

Mr. Disa Jironet Loewe
Mr. Disa Jironet Loewe is officier van Justitie in opleiding bij het Arrondissementsparket Amsterdam.

Mr. Leon Plas
Mr. Leon Plas is advocaat-generaal bij het Ressortsparket Den Haag en lector OM en Strafrecht bij het Studiecentrum Rechtspleging (SSR).

De OM-strafbeschikking en de minderjarige bestrafte

Is het recht op een eerlijk proces voldoende verzekerd?

Trefwoorden OM-strafbeschikking / Public prosecutor’s penalty decision, jeugdige verdachten / juvenile suspects, recht op eerlijk process / right to due process
Auteurs Petra Van Es MBA

    This article tries to answer the question whether the right to due process, especially for minors receiving a public prosecutor’s penalty decision in the Netherlands is sufficiently guaranteed. To answer this question, formal legislature with respect to this topic, the concept of ‘due process’ as well as the actual legal guarantees for minors, have been explored. In juvenile criminal law, contrary to adult criminal law, the pedagogic aspect plays an important role. The pedagogic point of view is also taken into account. A recent report by the Attorney General of the Dutch Supreme Court showed undoubtedly that after six years of experience, the processes surrounding the instrument of the public prosecutor’s penalty decision are far from being executed flawlessly. Both from a judicial perspective as well as a pedagogic perspective, this is a serious problem. The most important procedural aspects that require substantial improvement are related to determining guilt, attorney accessibility and the presence of parents.

Petra Van Es MBA
Petra van Es MBA werkt als officier Veiligheidsregio Amsterdam-Amstelland voor het ministerie van Defensie en studeert strafrecht aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Een concreet misdrijf graag

Auteurs Mr. Rob van Noort

Mr. Rob van Noort
Mr. Rob van Noort is advocaat-generaal bij het Ressortsparket, vestiging Den Haag.