

Meer op het gebied van Criminologie en veiligheid

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Aflevering 3, 2017 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Janine Janssen
Janine Janssen is lector Veiligheid in Afhankelijkheidsrelaties aan de Avans Hogeschool in Den Bosch en hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld van de Nationale Politie in Den Haag. Samen met Sigrid van Wingerden is zij voorzitter van de redactie van PROCES.

Kicken of afkicken?

Een mixed methods onderzoek naar de relatie tussen middelengebruik en delictgedrag bij jongvolwassen cliënten die onder toezicht staan van de verslavingsreclassering

Trefwoorden Young adults, delinquency, substance use, qualitative research
Auteurs Master of Science Leanne Sixma

    This research paper looks at the relationship between substance use and delinquency among young adults (aged 15 till 25 years) in a probation service for addicted offenders. Using a qualitative research method, twelve young adults give their opinions on the origin and development of their own problematic behavior. Results indicate that there is a relationship between substance use and delinquency, though determining causality is difficult and differs on an individual basis. They explain that this relationship is usually established in a risky environment and gradually grows by encounters with both substance use and criminal behavior, often early on in childhood. Friends and family introduced them to a problematic lifestyle in which drugs, alcohol and criminal offences appeared to be normal. Looking for excitement, being part of a group and experiencing positive effects after using substances are factors that stimulate them to continue with this behavior. The downside being that these adolescents get deeper into trouble and develop a dependency for this lifestyle. At that moment, certain turning points can offer a way to escape from using substances and/or committing offences

Master of Science Leanne Sixma
Leanne Sixma is reclasseringswerker Diagnose & Advies bij het Leger des Heils.

Het rechte pad

Toekomstverwachtingen van langgestrafte gedetineerden in Nederland

Trefwoorden long-term prisoners, future expectations, social ties, Agency
Auteurs Drs. Jennifer Doekhie, Dr. Anja Dirkzwager en Prof.dr. Paul Nieuwbeerta

    This study focuses on a sample of 28 male long-term prisoners in the Netherlands who are about to return to society. The aims of the study are to examine their future expectations regarding criminal behavior and to explore how social and individual factors, such as employment, family support and agency, relate to these expectations. This is important because such expectations may affect their actual (criminal) behavior after release. Pre-release semi-structured in-depth interviews included questions about their future expectations, social ties, and sense of agency. Prisoners expecting to quit with criminal activities had both close social ties to society and scored high on individual factors.

Drs. Jennifer Doekhie
Drs. Jennifer Doekhie is PhD researcher Prison Project aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.

Dr. Anja Dirkzwager
Dr. Anja Dirkzwager is senior onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving.

Prof.dr. Paul Nieuwbeerta
Prof. dr. Paul Nieuwbeerta is hoogleraar Criminologie aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.

Langdurig vermiste personen

De aard en omvang en lessen voor de opsporing

Trefwoorden Vermissingen, Langdurig, Opsporing, Vermiste personen
Auteurs Manon Hardeman en Ilse van Leiden

    The nature and extent and lessons for the detection of long-term missing persons.

Manon Hardeman
Manon Hardeman is werkzaam bij Bureau Beke.

Ilse van Leiden
Ilse van Leiden is werkzaam bij Bureau Beke.


Auteurs Pepijn van Arkel

Pepijn van Arkel
Pepijn van Arkel is vrijwilliger ENS bij Humanitas, afdeling Amsterdam en Diemen.

Nog niet effectief genoeg: het huisverbod in perspectief

Trefwoorden huisverbod, huiselijk geweld, effectiviteit, integrale aanpak
Auteurs Drs. Katrien de Vaan

    In 2009 the Dutch temporary restraining order Act came into being. The order is a much used instrument in the fight against domestic violence. However, it’s effectivity has yet to be proven beyond doubt. There are signs the order can be effective, but it is unknown what influences this effect: which choices in its implementation, which characteristics of violence and those involved, which characteristics of the care that is provided.
    This article claims that the temporary restraining order can be more effective if we collect more data on what it is that makes it effective, and use this data to mirror the order against other instruments that are available in the fight against domestic violence. In that way, we can choose the instrument that best suits the situation, instead of picking the temporary restraining order simply because it is most readily available. This means the following is necessary: 1) more knowledge about the types of situations in which the order can be most effective; 2) more knowledge about the effects of choices that are being made in the implementation of the instrument; 3) an overview of all available instruments for intervening in situations of serious and immediate threat of domestic violence and the effects that can be reached with those instruments; and 4) a better use of available knowledge about the effects of care and assistance to victims and perpetrators of domestic violence to improve the trajectories that accompany temporary restraining orders. This will enable a more balanced choice between these orders and other interventions and will improve the effects of the orders and the care and assistance that accompanies them.

Drs. Katrien de Vaan
Drs. K.B.M. de Vaan werkt als expert sociaal domein bij Regioplan. Zij is sinds de testfase van het huisverbod met onderzoek en advies betrokken bij de ontwikkeling daarvan, en schreef onder andere een handreiking voor de uitvoering en een advies over doorontwikkeling van het instrument.

Wat hebben mannen nodig?

Een verkenning naar het aanbod van mannenhulpverlening

Trefwoorden Gender, Geweld in afhankelijkheidsrelaties, Mannen
Auteurs Mustapha Aoulad Hadj, Rob Straver en Janine Janssen

    In the Netherlands violence in dependent relationships is handled ‘gender neutral’: it is assumed that men and women can both be perpetrator and victim of this violence. A gender neutral approach does not hinder gender sensitivity. With gender sensitivity it is about the question whether sufficient account is taken with gender aspects. In this article the authors look into what is on offer for the men. Although regular welfare organisations, private organisations and local self-help organisations are involved, until now there is is no structural offering of methodologically well substantiated activities.

Mustapha Aoulad Hadj
Mustapha Aoulad Hadj is docent aan de Academie voor Sociale Studies van Avans hogeschool in Den Bosch en als onderzoeker verbonden aan de kenniskring van het lectoraat Veiligheid in afhankelijkheidsrelaties van Avans hogeschool in Den Bosch.

Rob Straver
Rob Straver is docent aan de Academie voor Sociale Studies van Avans hogeschool in Den Bosch en als onderzoeker verbonden aan de kenniskring van het lectoraat Veiligheid in afhankelijkheidsrelaties van Avans hogeschool in Den Bosch.

Janine Janssen
Janine Janssen is lector Veiligheid in afhankelijkheidsrelaties aan Avans hogeschool in Den Bosch, hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld van de nationale politie en voorzitter van de redactie van PROCES.

Asociale bewaring

Auteurs Mr. Ad de Beer

Mr. Ad de Beer
Mr. Ad de Beer is jeugdofficier van justitie te Rotterdam en redacteur van PROCES.