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Aflevering 6, 2017 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Seks, ICT en strafrecht

Auteurs Prof. dr. mr. Jeroen ten Voorde

Prof. dr. mr. Jeroen ten Voorde
Prof. dr. mr. Jeroen ten Voorde is universitair hoofddocent Straf(proces)recht. Hij is tevens als bijzonder hoogleraar Strafrechtsfilosofie, leerstoel Leo Polak, verbonden aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en redacteur van PROCES.

Seksueel gedrag online: leuk of risico?

Trefwoorden Seksueel gedrag, Online, Seksualiteit, Grensoverschrijdend gedrag
Auteurs Marianne Jonker, Willy van Berlo en Paulien van Haastrecht

    In 2017 sexual behavior is more and more an online thing. It fits with the sexual development of the young to also experiment online with relationships and sexuality, but it is not without risks. There is a growing concern about sexually transgressive behavior online. In this article we describe the online sexual behavior of young people and the possible risks involved, such as sexually transgressive behavior and we name attention points for prevention and approach.

Marianne Jonker
Marianne Jonker is unitmanager jeugd- en zedenprojecten bij Rutgers.

Willy van Berlo
Willy van Berlo is programmacoördinator bij Rutgers.

Paulien van Haastrecht
Paulien van Haastrecht is manager nationale programma’s bij Rutgers.

Digitale seksuele delicten in het straf- en strafprocesrecht

Trefwoorden Seksuele delicten, Internet, Strafbaarstelling, Opsporing
Auteurs Prof. dr. mr. Jeroen ten Voorde

    The Dutch Minister for Security and Justice recently announced a revision of the sexual offences in the Dutch Penal Code. Part of this revision could be the introduction of several sexual offences that are committed on the internet. The Minister mentioned sexchatting, sextortion and revenge porn. This article describes the present-day possibilities the Penal Code offers in tackling these crimes, and gives insight in the bottlenecks in current penal law. This article also provides a description of several relevant criminal investigative powers in existing and future Dutch procedural law.

Prof. dr. mr. Jeroen ten Voorde
Prof. dr. mr. Jeroen ten Voorde is universitair hoofddocent Straf(proces)recht. Hij is tevens als bijzonder hoogleraar Strafrechtsfilosofie, leerstoel Leo Polak, verbonden aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en redacteur van PROCES.

Veilige resocialisatie van zedendaders met inzet van vrijwilligers

Trefwoorden COSA, Zedendelinquenten, Resocialisatie, Vrijwilligers
Auteurs Dr. Mechtild Höing en Audrey Alards

    Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) is a method in which volunteers support and monitor a convicted sex offender during his or her re-entry into society in order to prevent new sex offences. COSA was developed in Canada in 1994 as a grass roots approach to an acute crisis in a small town near Toronto, and since then has spread throughout Canada. In 2002, the COSA model was introduced and further developed in England, and from there the approach found its way to the Netherlands, where circle projects are provided by the Dutch Probation Organization since 2010. Until now, more than one hundred sex offenders (‘core members’ in a circle) have participated in a circle in the Netherlands. Although the COSA model predates the Good Lives Model, it’s basic principles align very well to the Good Lives Model. In COSA, a group of three to five volunteers form a surrogate social network, that offers social inclusion, practical and moral support in all kinds of daily challenges the core member faces, and that monitors risk and risk behavior. The volunteers are supervised by a professional circle-coordinator and supported by professionals who are involved in the core members’ after care arrangements. The COSA intervention model describes a number of conditions and strategies that support its effectiveness. Canadian, American and English case-control studies into the effectiveness of COSA shows a substantial reduction of offending behavior in core members compared to controls. Since the international proliferation of the COSA model is ever increasing, protecting the program integrity is a growing concern, and stresses the need for international cooperation between COSA providers.

Dr. Mechtild Höing
Dr. Mechtild Höing is socioloog aan het Expertisecentrum Veiligheid van de Avans Hogeschool en projectleider en lid van de kenniskring lectoraat Veiligheid in afhankelijkheidsrelaties.

Audrey Alards
Audrey Alards is werkzaam bij Reclassering Nederland; als cirkelcoördinator is zij sinds 2009 werkzaam voor COSA.

drs. Désirée Versteijnen
Drs. D.M.L. Versteijnen is klinisch psycholoog-psychotherapeut en seksuoloog. Haar huidige functies zijn: behandelcoördinator bij de Pompekliniek te Nijmegen, raad bij het hof in Arnhem en Pro Justitia-rapporteur.

Dangerous liaisons

Over de relatie tussen eergerelateerd geweld en mensenhandel

Trefwoorden honour-based violence, human trafficking, family-honour
Auteurs Janine Janssen en Mart Rasenberg

    Violence in the name of the honour of the family and human trafficking are considered to be different phenomena. But in the impressive body of literature on both types of crime and as seen by specialists from the Dutch National Police, some indications can be found that there is a toxic relationship between the two forms of delinquency: human traffickers can call on the family-honour of their victims in order to blackmail them into prostitution and to keep them working in that field against their will.

Janine Janssen
Janine Janssen is hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld (LEC EGG) van de Nationale Politie, lector Veiligheid in afhankelijkheidsrelaties aan Avans Hogeschool en voorzitter van de redactie van PROCES.

Mart Rasenberg
Mart Rasenberg is inspecteur van politie en als materiedeskundige verbonden aan het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld (LEC EGG) van de Nationale Politie.

Een blijvende voetafdruk?

Auteurs Dr. Jaap van Vliet

Dr. Jaap van Vliet
Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet is zelfstandig gevestigd onderzoeker en adviseur en lid van de redactie van PROCES.