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Aflevering 4, 2024 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen
Ten geleide

Wereldcongres Reclassering

Auteurs Jacqueline Bosker

Jacqueline Bosker
Dr. Jacqueline Bosker is lector Werken in Justitieel Kader bij Hogeschool Utrecht en lid van de redactie van PROCES.

Access_open Reclasseren wereldwijd, een impressie

Trefwoorden Reclassering, Wereldcongres
Auteurs Maaike de Boois en Jacqueline Bosker

    From 16 to 18 April, the sixth edition of the World Congress on Probation was held in The Hague. This article gives an impression of the knowledge and experiences exchanged during the congress. Although there seems to be a striking unanimity on the objective and tasks of probation, probation practices vary widely around the world. Differences in political and social attitudes, legislation and criminal justice system, financial resources for probation and existence and therefore experience of probation organizations are significant. The need to learn from each other and form a global probation community is great and offers prospects for the future.

Maaike de Boois
Maaike de Boois is bestuurssecretaris van de drie reclasseringsorganisaties in Nederland.

Jacqueline Bosker
Dr ­Jacqueline Bosker is lector Werken in Justitieel Kader bij Hogeschool Utrecht en lid van de redactie van PROCES.

Probation round the world 2.0

Trefwoorden community corrections, parole, probation, global, procedural justice
Auteurs Ioan Durnescu en Faye S. Taxman

    The article examines the evolution of community corrections, emphasizing probation and parole services. The term ‘community correctional’ encompasses both probation and parole, which vary globally in distinction and overlap. The article compares the practices of 1995 and 2024, highlighting the shift from stigmatizing language to a person-first approach to reduce negative labelling and move towards desistance. It explores changes in mission, structure, population size, performance, treatment programs, compliance management, and technology use in community corrections. The authors identify four grand challenges to advance the field: establishing community corrections as a standalone sanction, supporting desistance through relationship-building and community support, promoting fair treatment, and investing in resources to foster desistance and rehabilitation. This overview aims to improve the effectiveness of community corrections worldwide. This article summarizes findings from countries that contributed to a special handbook on global community corrections.

Ioan Durnescu
Ioan Durnescu is professor at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Romania.

Faye S. Taxman
Faye Taxman is professor at George Mason University, USA, Schar School of Policy and Government and Director of the Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence!

Risicogericht of krachtgericht reclasseringswerk?

Vinden van de juiste balans

Trefwoorden probation, strengths, risk, rehabilitation
Auteurs Jacqueline Bosker, Annelies Sturm, Corina Stins e.a.

    In recent years there has been a strong emphasis on risk management in probation work in many countries including the Netherlands. But probation officers also have the task of guiding and supporting offenders in their process of desistance from crime. This article focuses on the question how strength-focused and risk-focused approaches can be combined. Authors explain what these approaches mean and how they are reflected in some commonly used theoretical models in probation work. Then, using two case examples, insight is provided into how an integration of a risk-oriented and strength-oriented approach can take shape in practice.

Jacqueline Bosker
Dr Jacqueline Bosker is lector Werken in Justitieel Kader bij Hogeschool Utrecht en lid van de redactie van PROCES.

Annelies Sturm
Dr Annelies Sturm is docent-onderzoeker bij Hogeschool Utrecht.

Corina Stins
Corina Stins is reclasseringswerker bij Inforsa in Amsterdam.

John Remmers
John Remmers is ervaringsdeskundige en projectleider bij Novadic Kentron.

John Remmers
John Remmers werkt als senior ervaringsdeskundige bij Novadic Kentron.

Een typologie van reclasseringscliënten

Ten behoeve van een maatschappelijke kosten-batenanalyse

Trefwoorden typologie, reclassering, maatschappelijke kosten-batenanalyse, social cost benefit analysis
Auteurs Anouk Visser, Mijneke Roeland, Attila Németh e.a.

    For the purpose of a social cost-benefit analysis on the Dutch probation services, a typology of probationers supervised in 2016 (N = 12,017) was developed through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The theoretical basis for the typology consists of three pillars: Individual readiness to change, Contextual readiness to change and Punishable behaviour. A factor analysis of RISc 4.0 items was used to operationalise this basis. A cluster analysis yielded 15 unique types. This typology makes it possible to determine the added value of probation with more precision.

Anouk Visser
Anouk Visser, MSc werkt als onderzoeker voor het lectoraat Modelleren van Maatschappelijke Impact.

Mijneke Roeland
Mijneke M. Roeland werkt als onderzoeker voor het lectoraat Modelleren van Maatschappelijke Impact.

Attila Németh
Dr. ir. Attila A. Németh is lector Modelleren van Maatschappelijke Impact.

Martine Stegink
Martine J.A. Stegink, MSc werkt bij Statistische Informatievoorziening en Beleidsanalyse (SIBa) van de Reclassering en is twee dagen per week gedetacheerd bij het lectoraat Modelleren van Maatschappelijke Impact.

Slachtoffers meer centraal stellen binnen justitie

Ervaringen vanuit de Vlaamse justitiehuizen

Trefwoorden justitiehuizen Vlaanderen, slachtofferonthaal, slachtofferrechten
Auteurs Hannah Bellens en Hans Dominicus

    In April 2024, The Hague hosted the 6th World Congress on Probation and Parole. More than 500 participants from over 60 countries exchanged experiences on a multitude of themes related to probation and parole. Representing the Flemish Probation Service, we had the opportunity to highlight the victim’s position in the criminal justice chain and the judicial victim support provided by the Flemish Probation Service during a well-attended workshop. In this article, we will take a more detailed look at this form of judicial victim support and what steps are still needed to further strengthen victims’ rights.

Hannah Bellens
Hannah Bellens is Teamverantwoordelijke in het justitiehuis Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde.

Hans Dominicus
Hans Dominicus is afdelingshoofd van de afdeling Justitiehuizen binnen het Agentschap Justitie en Handhaving.

The journey of data

Trefwoorden Reclassering, data-gedreven, AI, kansen en risico’s
Auteurs Hans van Buuren

    Join the author and his colleagues in their ongoing quest to investigate the possibilities of using operational data in order to improve the business of probation and parole, both for clients and employees. Learn about their recent round table discussion with probation and parole specialists from all around the world. Evaluate the ups and downs of digital interaction and the new wave in Artificial Intelligence. And finally, read about their view on using AI today and in the near future. Because the Journey of Data only just really started: Data driven in optima forma.

Hans van Buuren
Hans van Buuren is enterprise architect bij 3RO.

Future Tracks

Een agenda voor het World Congress on Probation and Parole in 2026

Trefwoorden Risico, kunstmatige intelligentie, Populisme, Arbeidsmarkt, Samenwerking
Auteurs René Poort

    At the sixth World Congress on Probation and Parole the so called Future Track sessions formed a series of coherent workshops. In these sessions, participants worked towards an agenda for the next World Congress in 2026, in Indonesia. The central question was: ‘How do we, the international probation community, deal with developments that will fundamentally change our field?’ To answer that question, they looked at five major global trends: the safe society, artificial intelligence, the rise of (ultra) right-wing politics, changes in the labour market, and cross-domain collaboration. In this article I provide a summary of the discussions and draw some conclusions.

René Poort
René Poort is strategisch adviseur bij Reclassering Nederland. Hij heeft als secretaris alle Future Track-sessies bijgewoond.
PS van een redacteur

‘Doe jij nou maar gewoon je werk, Jaap!’

Over reclasseringswerk: een beroep met een eigen dynamiek, kennis­domein en methodiek

Auteurs Jaap van Vliet

Jaap van Vliet
Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet is adviseur Forensische Zorg en lid van de redactie van PROCES.