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Aflevering 6, 2018 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen
Ten geleide

Criminaliteit, rechtshandhaving en media

Auteurs Janine Janssen

Janine Janssen
Janine Janssen is hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld van de Nationale Politie, lector Veiligheid in afhankelijkheidsrelaties aan Avans Hogeschool en voorzitter van de redactie van PROCES.
Peer reviewed

Access_open Mediaberichten, framing en hypes: over de relatie van media en criminaliteit en de analyse hiervan

Trefwoorden Framing analyse,, Mediahypes, Moral panic, Oudejaarsnacht in Keulen, Bus incident in Gouda
Auteurs Dr. Martina Althoff

    This contribution discusses the supplementary value of media analyses to understanding the relationship between media and crime. Analyses of media framing and media hypes are discussed on the basis of two cases: the case of New Years Eve in Cologne in 2015 and the “bus incident” of Moroccan Dutch youngsters in Gouda in 2008. The two cases presented here illustrate the significance of media analysis in criminology and its relevance in a media society. Analyses of the media representation and the societal reactions show the influence of media on the image building about crime. Since media are a predominant force of modern society and mediatization is a characteristic of the present tense, media representation has a great impact on the perceptions of crime and punishment, and our reality.

Dr. Martina Althoff
Dr. Martina Althoff is als universitair hoofddocent Criminologie verbonden aan de vakgroep Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Peer reviewed

Onderzoeksjournalistiek en opsporing

Trefwoorden Opsporing, Persvoorlichting, Onderzoeksjournalistiek, Misdaadjournalistiek, Privacy
Auteurs Dr. Peter Klerks

    Investigative reporters show an increasing interest in criminal phenomena. Dutch journalists may be allowed access to ongoing police investigations on the condition that they comply with data protection legislation. Working in international cooperative projects, using sophisticated research tools and hot sources, journalists by themselves also manage to uncover hidden crimes that may prompt indictments. The article explores possibilities of future collaboration between criminal investigators and reporters, while acknowledging each other’s professional roles and responsibilities.

Dr. Peter Klerks
Dr. P.P.H.M. Klerks werkt als raadadviseur bij het Parket-Generaal van het Openbaar Ministerie en doceert aan de Politieacademie, waar hij van 2004 tot 2010 lector Recherchekunde was.
Peer reviewed

Opsporingsmiddelen in ontwikkeling

Open-bronnenonderzoek als de nieuwe ‘tap’

Trefwoorden Open bronnen onderzoek (OSINT), Opsporingsbevoegdheid, Stelselmatigheid, Commissie-Koops
Auteurs Mr. Mark Feenstra

    With the development of the ‘digital society’ the information about crime on the internet is increasing rapidly. This creates the necessity for clarity about the boundaries of open source research by law enforcement agencies. However a specific article in the Code of Criminal Procedure lacks. While waiting for this article the police, the prosecution office, criminal defense lawyers and judges are struggling to find these boundaries. Nevertheless are they the only ones that can bring this clarity by informing themselves and exploring what should be legitimate.

Mr. Mark Feenstra
Mr. M. Feenstra is werkzaam als senior parketsecretaris bij het Openbaar Ministerie, parket Amsterdam.

Esther Coster
Esther Coster is persvoorlichter bij de Nationale Politie Eenheid Den Haag.
Peer reviewed

Opsporingsberichtgeving in een veranderend medialandschap

Trefwoorden Opsporingsberichtgeving, (sociale) media, Privacy, belangenafweging, Engelse trefwoorden: Police and prosecutorial appeals for information and wanted notices, (social) media, privacy, balancing interests
Auteurs Dr. Gabry Vanderveen

    Police and prosecution can appeal to the public for information to further their case. This requires a balancing exercise between the rights of the suspect (and other people involved), specifically the right to privacy and the interest of criminal investigations. Appeals for information and wanted notices require a medium as well. Also, in order for the appeal to be effective, other (news)media need to publish the appeal as well: it needs to be newsworthy and attractive for the public intended. Based on deskresearch, this article describes how an ever-changing media landscape and different media revolutions affect the appeals for information.

Dr. Gabry Vanderveen
Dr. Gabry Vanderveen is universitair docent Criminologie aan de Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam.
Peer reviewed

De twitterende wijkagent, veiligheidsbeleving en het beeld van de politie

Trefwoorden Police, perception of safety, sociale media, Twitter
Auteurs Dr. Imke Smulders

    This article reports briefly on research into the relationship between Twitter use by community police officers and citizens’ perceived safety. To this end, multiple relevant determinants of safety perceptions were included in the study: assessment of objective safety, perceptions of quality of life and social capital, risk perception and opinion on the police. The use of Twitter proved to have a modest, yet significant impact: followers on Twitter report a lower assessment of objective safety and a more positive opinion on the police. No direct, significant relation was found between the use of Twitter by the neighbourhood police officer and citizens’ perceived safety.

Dr. Imke Smulders
Dr. I.M.P. Smulders is onderzoeker bij het Expertisecentrum Veiligheid van Avans Hogeschool in ’s-Hertogenbosch.
Peer reviewed

Onder een vergrootglas: de gevolgen van media-aandacht voor sociale professionals die werken met moeilijk bereikbaren

Trefwoorden Media-aandacht, Moeilijk bereikbaren, Incidenten, Beeldvorming, Zorg en welzijn
Auteurs Karlijn Suijkerbuijk en Drs. Jeanet de Jong

    While media coverage supports citizens in exercising their democratic rights, developments in the media have turned organizations into glass houses. In this article we investigate what media attention and subsequent public reactions after incidents mean for social professionals who work with the so-called ‘hard-to- reach’. We draw on a practical example, literature and interviews. Media attention turns out to affect the public image of organizations and professionals and consecutively alters the long term public judgment. This results in professionals feeling powerless, unrecognized and pressurized. Professionals adopt different strategies to deal with the effects of media attention: resignation, defensiveness, caution and organizational blame.

Karlijn Suijkerbuijk
Karlijn Suijkerbuijk is sociaal pedagogisch hulpverlener en studeert Zorgethiek en Beleid aan de Universiteit voor Humanistiek.

Drs. Jeanet de Jong
Drs. Jeanet de Jong is cultureel antropoloog en verbonden aan het Expertisecentrum Veiligheid van Avans Hogeschool. Zij doet promotieonderzoek naar de positie en het handelen van sociale professionals die werken met ‘moeilijk bereikbaren’.
Peer reviewed

Dierenliefde en onderwereld-pr

Trefwoorden Dieren, Georganiseerde misdaad, Ondermijning, Media
Auteurs Janine Janssen en Prof. Emile Kolthoff

    Criminological literature shows that criminals involved in organized crime benefit from positive images in the media. By opening a hospital or donating funds for the development of a football field they try to present themselves in a cordial way and as good citizens to the public. Using the media to present themselves as animal lovers is a very effective manner to go for public admiration and sympathy. In this contribution is investigated how this mechanism works and why it is so effective.

Janine Janssen
Janine Janssen is hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld (LEC EGG) van de Nationale Politie, lector Veiligheid in afhankelijkheidsrelaties aan Avans Hogeschool en tevens voorzitter van de redactie van PROCES.

Prof. Emile Kolthoff
Prof. Emile Kolthoff is hoogleraar Criminologie aan de Open Universiteit en lector Ondermijning aan Avans Hogeschool.
Peer reviewed

Het zal je dochter maar zijn

Op zoek naar verklaringen voor de maatschappelijke impact van drie zaken van dodelijk seksueel geweld tegen jonge vrouwen in 2017

Trefwoorden Sexual violence, societal impact, media impact, altruistic fear of crime
Auteurs Dr. Remco Spithoven

    Three cases of sexual violence with two teenagers and one young woman as dead victims have put – besides the indescribable sufferings of themselves, their families, friends and acquaintances – a heavy burden on Dutch collective memories of the year 2017. Dutch society commiserated on a massive scale: volunteers helped searching, thousands united in silent marches and more than 400 thousand citizens signed an online petition that emotionally called for a firm revision of the ‘failing justice system’. In this article we explore the deeper social, personal and cultural elements that gave media messages their strong emotional impact in Dutch society.

Dr. Remco Spithoven
Dr. R. Spithoven is lector Maatschappelijke Veiligheid bij de Academie voor Bestuur, Recht en Ruimte van Hogeschool Saxion en research fellow bij de leerstoel Veiligheid en Veerkracht aan de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
PS van een redacteur

Angst voor risico’s en medialogica

Auteurs Dr. Jaap Van Vliet

Dr. Jaap Van Vliet
Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet is zelfstandig gevestigd onderzoeker en adviseur en lid van de redactie van PROCES.