#MeToo has played a significant role in the struggle to confront taboos around sexual violence, including the acknowledgment of male rape victims. In this article, the authors have examined reactions at three different moments in time (T1, T2, T3) to Dutch journalist Jelle Brandt Corstius, who shared his #MeToo experience via Twitter. The article shows that the Belief in a Just World, victim stereotypes and rape myths seem particularly useful concepts to examine different positive (supporting, compensating) and negative (blaming, distancing) observer reactions. Reactions are most negative at T2, when JBC’s case least adheres to stereotypes and rape scripts. |
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Ten geleide |
Aanhoudingsseks |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. mr. Jeroen ten Voorde |
Auteursinformatie |
Peer reviewed |
‘Als je echt verkracht bent, doe je morgen aangifte’Reacties op een non-stereotypische #MeToo–casus |
Trefwoorden | #MeToo, sexual violence, observer reactions, victim stereotypes |
Auteurs | Drs. Eva Mulder en Mr. drs. Alice Bosma |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Peer reviewed |
Mediation in strafzaken in kwaliteit geborgd? |
Trefwoorden | Mediation in strafzaken, Restorative justice, Herstelbemiddeling, Strafrechtmediator |
Auteurs | mr. Tanja van Mazijk en Mr. Marion Uitslag |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In this article we discuss what mediation in criminal cases encompasses, what the position is of mediation in criminal cases amidst other forms of recovery mediation and the question is posed whether mediation in criminal cases demands specific things from the mediator. |
PROCESperikelen |
Het kind centraal |
Auteurs | Peter van der Linden |
Auteursinformatie |
Peer reviewed |
Collectief leren van professionals zorg en strafrechtBetekenisvol interdisciplinair samenwerken bij huiselijk geweld |
Trefwoorden | collectief leren professionals, strafrecht en zorg, huiselijk geweld, Good Work |
Auteurs | Dr. Sietske Dijkstra |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This article concerns an experiment involving three learning communities of professionals cooperating across institutional boundaries to address domestic violence cases in multiple complementary ways. Providers of social services interacted with law enforcement in a juridical context to achieve an integrated approach. This alliance indicates the potential for values-based Good Work based on safety, professional care, and compassionate treatment. Playing with time and capacity can be a strategy, and each professional can benefit from multiple viewpoints for recognising and anticipating patterns of domestic violence before it (re)occurs. |
PS van een redacteur |
Tbs zonder diagnose? |
Auteurs | Dr. Jaap van Vliet |
Auteursinformatie |