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Aflevering 2, 2012 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Gevolgen van de VOG: niet aan de bak, maar erin?

Auteurs Mr. drs. Sigrid van Wingerden

Mr. drs. Sigrid van Wingerden
Mr. drs. Sigrid van Wingerden is PhD-fellow bij het Instituut voor Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden en tevens redactielid van PROCES.

‘Gestraft’ na de straf: justitiële documentatie en de Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag

Verslag PROCES-studiedag

Trefwoorden PROCES-studiedag
Auteurs Astrid Bentvelzen, Celesta Bonnet, Laura Felderhof e.a.

    Verslag van de PROCES-studiedag.

Astrid Bentvelzen
Astrid Bentvelzen studeert Criminologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Celesta Bonnet
Celesta Bonnet studeert Strafrecht en Criminologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Laura Felderhof
Laura Felderhof studeert Strafrecht aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Jenske Wieman
Jenske Wieman studeert Rechtsgeleerheid aan de Universiteit Leiden.

De beoordeling van een VOG-aanvraag

Trefwoorden declaration of good conduct, integrity, screening, moral policy
Auteurs Mr. drs. Roy Wildemors

    In this article, Roy Wildemors explains how the Central Organisation for Certificates of Good Conduct decides on an application for a certificate of good conduct (CGC). First, it is determined whether the applicant has a criminal record that is relevant to the purpose for which the CGC has been applied for. If he does not have one, the CGC will be granted. If he has, specific personal circumstances will be taken into account, e.g. the number of antecedents, his age and the time that has passed since his last antecedent. Finally, his interests will be balanced against those of society.

Mr. drs. Roy Wildemors
Mr. drs. Roy Wildemors is medewerker Juridische Zaken en Uitvoeringsbeleid bij de Dienst Justis.

Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag

Tour d’horizon door de jurisprudentie

Trefwoorden declaration of good conduct, judicial procedure, jurisprudence, screening
Auteurs Mr. Jop Spijkerman

    As a result of the workshop ‘Decision making VOG’, this article provides an overview of the relevant case-law regarding the issuing of a certificate of good conduct. This article especially focuses on the way an application of a certificate is being judged by the authorities (the COVOG) and later on the judge(s) using the objective and subjective criteria summed up in the ‘policy guideline VOG’. If possible, the article provides tips and tricks for applicants (and lawyers) regarding the application of a certificate of good conduct and the judicial procedure after the issuance is refused.

Mr. Jop Spijkerman
Mr. Jop Spijkerman is advocaat te Den Haag.

Drs. Liesbeth van Klaveren
Drs. Liesbeth van Klaveren is vertrouwensinspecteur bij de Inspectie van het Onderwijs.

‘Gestraft’ na de straf

Legitimiteit en proportionaliteit van juridische belemmeringen na afloop van de straf

Trefwoorden Certificate of good conduct, wet justitiële en strafvorderlijke gegevens, collateral sentencing, disqualifications
Auteurs Prof. dr. Miranda Boone

    In this contribution the question is addressed how measures that aim to hold ex-convicts from occupying certain jobs and positions can be justified and what their limitations are. In the literature on collateral sentencing in particular four conditions are stressed. First, the vulnerable character of the occupation or activity involved. Second, there should be a strong relation between the conviction and the risk that has to be avoided. Third, collateral consequences should be individualized and only be imposed against those posing specific and demonstrable risks. Finally, a broad proportionality test should be applied on them, harsh civil disqualification should not be applied for relatively minor offences and burdensome restrictions may not be imposed in order to prevent relatively trivial risks. This theoretical model is applied on the regulation and practice of the Dutch conduct certificate.

Prof. dr. Miranda Boone
Prof. dr. Miranda Boone is bijzonder hoogleraar Penologie en Penitentiair recht aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en universitair hoofddocent aan de Universiteit Utrecht.

Jeugdzonde, eeuwig zonde?

Een onderzoek naar de beoordelingswijze van Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag-aanvragen van jongeren

Trefwoorden juvenile ex-offenders, collateral sentencing, conduct certificate, legitimacy
Auteurs Elina Kurtovic

    This study aims to examine the practice of the decision making on conduct certificate requests of juvenile ex-offenders, as there has not been done any empirical research on this topic so far. 57 cases are studied in order to answer the question whether the decision making meets the legal and penological justifications for collateral sentencing. Conclusion is the decisions are not proportional as to the seriousness of the risks which are aimed to be prevented and the relation between the past convictions and the desired job. Moreover, the requests are being individually assessed, yet more weight should be attached to the age, interests and positive developments of juvenile ex-offenders. Only then, the decisions can be regarded legitimate and proportional and do hinder juvenile ex-offenders’ successful reintegration into society.

Elina Kurtovic
Elina Kurtovic is advocaat te Amsterdam.

De VOG en minderjarige wetsovertreders

Trefwoorden juveniles, criminal records, reintegration, juvenile justice
Auteurs Prof. mr. drs. Mariëlle Bruning

    Juvenile offenders are confronted with criminal records. When they want to start education, work or an internship after detention, they often need a certificate of good conduct. In the Netherlands in recent years it has become more difficult for youth offenders to receive this certificate; criminal records have a detrimental impact, in particular for sex offenders. International juvenile justice standards stress the importance of the right of youngsters to social reintegration and protection of the right to privacy and should lead to an adjustment of this policy of repression.

Prof. mr. drs. Mariëlle Bruning
Prof. mr. drs. Mariëlle Bruning is hoogleraar Jeugdrecht aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Jaren zonder?

Seksualiteit en intimiteit achter de tralies

Trefwoorden column
Auteurs Dr. Jaap van Vliet

    In a column a journal editor or an author expresses his or her opinion on a particular subject.

Dr. Jaap van Vliet
Dr. Jaap van Vliet is als beleidsadviseur en onderzoeker verbonden aan Leger des Heils Jeugdzorg & Reclassering en aan het lectoraat ‘Werken in justitieel kader’ van de Hogeschool Utrecht en is tevens redacteur van PROCES.