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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid

Meer op het gebied van Criminologie en veiligheid

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Aflevering 3, 2009 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Onbekend, maar wel bemind

Inbraakpreventief advies in België

Trefwoorden preventie, woninginbraak, slachtofferschap, sociale ongelijkheid
Auteurs Leen Symons, Johan Deklerck, Dave Gelders e.a.

    Since the mid-90s, people can obtain ‘burglary prevention advice’ in Belgium, which means that a burglary prevention adviser will carry out a free assessment of the dwelling regarding the protection against a burglary and will recommend security measures as needed. In 2008, a large-scale survey by postal mail, commissioned and financed by the Belgian Ministry of Internal Affairs, was conducted to examine three main questions concerning burglary prevention advice in Belgium. Firstly, who receives a burglary prevention visit, or in other words what are the demographic characteristics of the citizens who obtain advice? Secondly, what is the extent to which these persons are satisfied with the visit and which elements, related to the advice, are associated with this (dis)satisfaction? Finally, do these citizens implement the proposed prevention measures and what is the role of the financial incentives (e.g. a tax deduction and an investment subsidy) concerning this implementation? Using a stratified random sample, 2,123 citizens were selected of whom ultimately 1,193 persons answered and returned the questionnaire. This paper presents the main findings of this study. We will also draw attention to the risk of an increased societal dualization and exclusion in the field of community safety when burglary prevention becomes predominantly the responsibility of the individual. The results of our survey for instance suggest that certain groups in society, namely the lower educated, tenants and apartment dwellers, are insufficiently sensitized to call upon these advisers. Furthermore, mainly the higher educated and those with higher incomes plan to make use of the possibility of tax deduction.

Leen Symons
Leen Symons werkt als praktijkassistent bij het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). E-mail:

Johan Deklerck
Johan Deklerck is als hoofddocent verbonden aan het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). E-mail:

Dave Gelders
Dave Gelders is als universitair docent verbonden aan de School voor Massacommunicatieresearch (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). E-mail:

Dr. Stefaan Pleysier
Stefaan Pleysier is coördinator van het Expertisecentrum Maatschappelijke Veiligheid (KATHO-Ipsoc), en deeltijds verbonden aan het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven).E-mail:

Additioneel seksueel gedrag van kinderpornodownloaders

Onderzoek naar additioneel seksueel gedrag met kinderen in een groep van 38 kinderpornodownloaders met behulp van gecombineerde zelfrapportage en polygrafie (Sexual History Disclosure Polygraph Examinations)

Trefwoorden cybercrime, polygrafie, zelfrapportage, kinderporno, risicoprofiel
Auteurs Jos Buschman en Don Krapohl

    This article presents a study on Post-Conviction Polygraphy in the Netherlands. Importantly, it exclusively focuses on cybercrime offenders. The study was designed to systematically address the different child sexual behaviours exhibited by 38 subjects who were in treatment for possessing child abuse images. The results gave indications that post-conviction polygraphy can provide additional data to inform the development of theory in this area and contribute to the treatment, supervision and more effective containment of offending behaviour, and the reduction of future victimization.

Jos Buschman
Jos Buschman is senior diagnosticus aan de Dr. S. van Mesdagkliniek, Groningen. E-mail:

Don Krapohl
Don Krapohl is president van de American Polygraph Association.

Criminogeniteit in Amsterdam

Een nieuw concept, een monitor en een index

Trefwoorden criminogeniteit, criminogeniteitsindex, criminogene factoren, risicofactoren
Auteurs Hans Boutellier, Ruben David Scholte en Merijn Heijnen

    In criminology a lot of attention is paid to risk factors in the development of criminal behaviour. It is also not uncommon to speak of criminogenic factors. In the reported research project a monitor of relevant risk factors on an aggregated level (city, city councils and boroughs) was developed. In addition the data were combined into a so-called criminogenity index for the city of Amsterdam. The article discusses the development and results of the monitor and index. It elaborates on an article which was published earlier (TvV, 2007 (6) 2), but can be read as a stand alone article.

Hans Boutellier
Hans Boutellier is algemeen directeur van het Verwey-Jonker Instituut alsmede bijzonder hoogleraar van de onderzoeksgroep Veiligheid en Burgerschap bij de Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen aan de VU te Amsterdam. E-mail:

Ruben David Scholte
Ruben David Scholte is als onderzoeker verbonden aan de onderzoeksgroep Veiligheid en Burgerschap bij de Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen aan de VU te Amsterdam. E-mail:

Merijn Heijnen
Merijn Heijnen werkt bij de Dienst Onderzoek en Statistiek van de gemeente Amsterdam.

De voorzorgcultuur

Auteurs Jan Terpstra

Jan Terpstra
Jan Terpstra is als hoogleraar verbonden aan het Criminologisch Instituut van de Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen. E-mail: