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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid

Meer op het gebied van Criminologie en veiligheid

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Aflevering 1, 2009 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

    In an editorial article the editors supply a commentary on the topics covered in the journal.

Jan Terpstra

De Collectieve Winkelontzegging

Trefwoorden winkelontzegging, overlast, (on)veiligheid, voorzorgsprincipe
Auteurs Loes Wesselink, Marc Schuilenburg en Patrick Van Calster

    Public Private Partnerships (PPS) are becoming one of the most popular answers to problems of crime and disorder. In this contribution, the authors research the Collective Shop Ban, maybe the most successful form of Public Private Partnerships currently operating in the Netherlands. A Collective Shop Ban is a civil measure bestowed upon a person by the shop owner, when s/he displays ‘unwanted behaviour’. As a consequence entry can be denied for every shop assembled in the association of entrepreneurs. In 2007 almost 900 people have been denied access to over 450 shops in the city centre of The Hague. This new form of collaboration between police, public prosecution service and entrepreneurs has already been rewarded with the Regional Crime Control Platform ‘safety award’. However, the authors question the effects of this collaboration. They argue that the Collective Shop Ban creates its own public of ‘unwanted shoppers’, that can be banned from a shopping area by devising new terms of exclusion. This ‘public’ is subjected to new means of power, to be applied by private security guards and shop owners. While entrepreneurs celebrate the possibilities of this civil measure, the authors warn for the juridical and ethical consequences of this measure.

Loes Wesselink
Loes Wesselink is criminologe en werkt als junior onderzoeker-adviseur bij het COT Instituut voor Veiligheids- en Crisismanagement in Den Haag.E-,mail:

Marc Schuilenburg
Marc Schuilenburg doceert aan de vakgroep Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. E-mail:

Patrick Van Calster
Patrick Van Calster is universitair hoofddocent aan het departement strafrecht en criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.E-mail:

Veilig melden van incidenten in de gezondheidszorg: voorbeelden van (buitenlandse) wetgeving

Trefwoorden patiëntenveiligheid, incidentenmelding, bescherming melder, blame free reporting
Auteurs Prof. mr. Johan Legemaate en Mr. Robinetta de Roode

    In the Dutch health care the importance of reporting adverse events is increasingly recognized. Reporting adverse events is seen as a valuable instrument to assess and improve the quality and safety of patient care. It is widely acknowledged that health care practitioners (physicians, nurses) should be able to report adverse events blame free, to prevent that information reported to improve the quality and safety of care is used for other purposes (e.g. to punish the reporter of other persons involved). Several parties have proposed to enact legislation to protect health care practitioners who report adverse events. In other sectors of the Dutch society, as well as in other countries, such legislation already exists. This legislation may serve as an example for legislative action in the area of Dutch health care.

Prof. mr. Johan Legemaate
Johan Legemaate is juridisch adviseur van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der Geneeskunst (KNMG) en bijzonder hoogleraar gezondheidsrecht aan de Vrije Universiteit. E-mail:

Mr. Robinetta de Roode
Robinetta de Roode is beleidsmedewerker bij de KNMG.

Mediaberichtgeving over calamiteiten: de magie meester?

Trefwoorden mediaberichtgeving, calamiteiten, voorspelbaarheid, magiefactor
Auteurs Prof. dr. ir. Bastiaan Zoeteman en Drs. ir. Wouter Kersten

    Authorities are increasingly challenged by the globalised media to improve their way of communication to the public. This applies particularly for the management of calamities. In the past government was acting at the top of the information pyramid, but this is no longer the case. Professionals and citizens have become more self reliant and active in collecting information. The hierarchical communication structure has been replaced by a network structure. In case the government is not handling this changed situation adequately it is likely to result in loss of authority and of communication efficiency.In this paper results are presented of two studies carried out in the period 2005-2007 involving in total 110 calamities. The general purpose of the study was to analyze the changing communication landscape of risks and calamities in order to provide government authorities with recommendations to improve communication effectiveness e.g. by applying communication instruments adapted to the new situation. In this context the predictability of the size of the media attention for a calamity has been assessed. If media attention can be predicted in an early phase of the calamity this will provide extra reaction time to authorities and may help to e.g. nominate a spokesperson at the right level from the beginning.The results show that media attention can be reasonably well predicted on the basis of a limited number of criteria. Powerful predictive criteria are e.g. economic damage, number of evacuated people, and a general criterion called the magic factor. This is a container criterion including aspects such as newness, hugeness and related aspects which have as common denominator that they stimulate imagination and have a highly emotional content.Although the study focused on external safety calamities the predictive methodology is also applicable for other types of calamities which have similar time-space characteristics, such as terrorist attacks. Media will however never be completely predictable. Therefore intuition, local expertise, and repeated assessment of the likely media attention are needed to come to a reliable overall judgement.

Prof. dr. ir. Bastiaan Zoeteman
Bastiaan C.J. Zoeteman is bijzonder hoogleraar Duurzaamheidsbeleid in Internationaal Perspectief bij Telos, Universiteit van Tilburg. E-mail:

Drs. ir. Wouter Kersten
Wouter C. Kersten is onderzoeker bij Telos, Universiteit van Tilburg.

De recidive van Den Engh

Auteurs Dr. Gijs Weijters en Prof. dr. Stefan Bogaerts

    [Volgt nog]

Dr. Gijs Weijters
Gijs Weijters is als onderzoeker werkzaam bij de onderzoeksafdeling CRS (Criminaliteit, Rechtshandhaving en Sancties) van het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek en Documentatiecentrum (WODC) van het ministerie van Justitie. E-mail:

Prof. dr. Stefan Bogaerts
Stefan Bogaerts is als hoogleraar forensische psychologie en victimologie verbonden aan de Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, sectie klinische psychologie en aan de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid, Intervict, Universiteit van Tilburg. Hij doceert tevens aan het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

Dr. Daniëlle Dijns
Dr. Daniëlle L.A.M. Dijns is in 2008 vanuit de Stichting Jongeren en Sociale Limieten (JSL) in Bedum gepromoveerd in de gedrags- en maatschappijwetenschappen aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. E-mail:

Mr. Arnt Mein
Arnt Mein is als senior onderzoeker werkzaam bij het Verwey-Jonker Instituut. E-mail:

Paul Schuurman
Paul Schuurman is docent Conflict- en Crisisbeheersing op de Politieacademie. E-mail:

Dr. Eric Bervoets
Eric Bervoets is senior onderzoeker-adviseur bij het COT Instituut voor Veiligheids- en Crisismanagement. E-mail:

Drs. Bas Mali
Bas Mali is onderzoeker bij het Lectoraat Gemeenschappelijke Veiligheidskunde en docent-onderzoeker bij de Faculteit Algemene Politiekunde van de Politieacademie. E-mail: