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Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement

Meer op het gebied van Mediation en herstelrecht

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Aflevering 3, 2020 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Annie de Roo
Annie de Roo is associate professor of ADR and comparative law at Erasmus University Law School in Rotterdam, editor-in-chief of TMD, and vice chair of the exams committee of the Mediators Federation of the Netherlands MFN. She has published extensively on mediation and has inter alia been a Rapporteur three times for the European Commission on the use of mediation in employment disputes.

De mediator buddy

Reflecties bij de persoonlijkheid van de mediator, de nood aan ‘de-bias’ en de haalbaarheid van een mediator ‘buddy’

Trefwoorden mediator buddy, bias, integrity, 5MBP, reflection
Auteurs Alain Laurent Verbeke

    As mediators we should be aware of our biases. We cannot avoid them, although we need integrity and impartiality while helping people communicate and negotiate in their search for conflict resolution. The mediator’s job is delicate and important, as we ‘play’ with people and their underlying interests, emotions and identity. That is also the case in business mediation, where it all seems to be just professional and some feel emotions are to be avoided.
    Mediators need much intrapersonal work to stay balanced and to manage their own biases. In this article a 5 step Managing Biases Process (5MBP) is suggested.
    To do this honestly and seriously, and to keep growing, we need a ‘sparring partner”. Such mediator buddy contributes to our checks and balances, and better guarantees the integrity of the mediator.

Alain Laurent Verbeke
Alain Laurent Verbeke is gewoon hoogleraar aan de KU Leuven, Full Professor of Law & Negotiation-Mediation Leuven, Harvard, Tilburg, UCP Lisbon en advocaat.

Pracademia: a personal account of a mediation clinic and its development

Trefwoorden mediation clinic, students, practicing, Circle of engagement, Susskind
Auteurs Charlie Irvine

    This article tells the story of University of Strathclyde Mediation Clinic through the eyes of its founder. Taking its first case in 2012, by the start of 2021 it will be providing a free mediation service in 16 of Scotland’s 39 sheriff courts, covering more than half the country’s population. Yet it started with no plan, no budget and a few volunteers. The article makes the case that mediation clinics, like mediation itself, call for improvisation, coining the term ‘pracademia’ to describe how such clinics straddle the two worlds of practice and theory.

Charlie Irvine
Charlie Irvine has been working as a mediator since the early 1990s; he developed and runs the Mediation and Conflict Resolution masters programme at University of Strathclyde Law School, Glasgow. He is also Director of Strathclyde Mediation Clinic. His academic work is focused on mediation and justice, in particular the neglected justice reasoning of ordinary people.

Eric Lancksweerdt
Eric Lancksweerdt is hoofddocent aan de UHasselt en de UGent en praktijkassistent aan de UAntwerpen. Zijn onderzoeksdomeinen zijn alternatieve conflictoplossing, burgerparticipatie, rechtspraktijk en ethiek, menselijke kwaliteiten in een juridische context.

Herstelgericht handelen. Groeikansen voor de hele school

Trefwoorden herstelgericht handelen, school, leraren, leerlingen, herstelgesprekken
Auteurs Maria Beerten

    Implementing a restorative policy is a difficult job for schools. In schools based on sanctions teachers need to know the rules, but in schools based on restorative justice everyone, especially students, understands the rules and believes in them. The relation has priority. Such a school needs a vision on the restorative method for parents, teachers and students to solve unacceptable behaviour and conflicts. It focuses on self-discipline instead of discipline.

Maria Beerten
Maria Beerten heeft een lange ervaring als leerlingbegeleider in een Brusselse school, daarna als PrOSbegeleider van scholen, leraren en jongeren (PrOS – Positieve relaties op school). Zij is nu werkzaam als nascholer en hergo-moderator (herstelgericht groepsoverleg).

Conflicthantering op Vlaamse scholen: kinderen en jongeren (steeds meer) aan zet

Trefwoorden Vlaams onderwijs, leerlingen, sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling, conflicthantering, methoden
Auteurs Gie Deboutte

    Schools are tasked with helping children to become socially competent(er), both in the on- and offline world. If conflicts occur, schools find out how they can tackle this behaviour and prevent it in the future. Schools cover various tracks here. More and more schools have understood that they can actively involve children and young people in their preventive and problem-solving approach. They integrate methodologies and programmes that give children and young people the opportunity to take responsibility when a conflict occurs. Some of these methods and programmes are looked at more closely in this article. The article concludes with a future-oriented dream that responds to some current educational needs.

Gie Deboutte
Gie Deboutte is voorzitter van Vlaams Netwerk Kies Kleur tegen Pesten; UCLL-expert pesten en ongewenst grensoverschrijdend gedrag; trainer bij Tenz vzw.