
Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement

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Aflevering 1, 2013 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Annie de Roo
Annie de Roo is hoofdredacteur van TMD, verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, mediator en lid NMI Examencommissie.

Leren van collaborative divorce voor collaborative practice in de zakelijke sfeer

Trefwoorden collaborative divorce, collaborative practice, bussiness afairs, governmental questions
Auteurs Arthur Baanders

    Recent experiences with collaborative divorce of the Dutch Association for Collaborative Divorce (VCDH, connected with IACP, the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals), confirm the importance of broadening the practice collaborative law to affairs in business, governmental and political affairs in the Netherlands, especially in more complex questions. The importance for both ADR and professionals in law, finance, accountancy, notariate, tax affairs, psychology or organisational-, HRM- and governmental consultancy.

Arthur Baanders
Dr. ir Arthur P. Baanders (1950) werkt te Amsterdam als mediator in arbeidsgeschillen en familiezaken (NMI-geregistreerd) en als personal en managementcoach (NIP-geregistreerd). Hij is als mediator/coach verbonden aan de Vereniging Collaborative Divorce Holland. Verder is hij opleider ‘conflicthantering en mediation bij onder meer de Vereniging Familierechtadvocaten Scheidingsmediators en het Amsterdams ADR-project. Tevens is hij assessor in het kader van de NMI-registratie bij INTOP.

Het nieuwe CEPANI Mediatiereglement van 2013

Trefwoorden CEPANI, CEPINA, arbitration rules, domain names
Auteurs Herman Verbist en Luc Demeyere

    On 1 January 2013 the new Mediation Rules of CEPANI (the Belgian Center for Arbitration and Mediation) entered into force. The 2013 CEPANI Mediation Rules replace the 2005 version of the CEPANI Mediation Rules and also the 2010 version of the CEPANI ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Mediation Rules. The 2013 Rules contain provisions on the introduction of the mediation, the appointment of the mediator, the mediation protocol to be established at the beginning of the mediation process, the conduct of the mediation, the confidentiality, the end of the mediation and its costs. The authors comment on these various provisions of the CEPANI Mediation Rules and explain thereby also the relevant provisions of the Belgian Mediation Law contained in Chapter VII of the Belgian Judicial Code.

Herman Verbist
Herman Verbist is advocaat aan de Balie te Gent en te Brussel, werkzaam bij Everest Advocaten, gastdocent aan de Universiteit Gent, erkend bemiddelaar en redacteur van dit tijdschrift.

Luc Demeyere
Luc Demeyere is advocaat aan de Balie te Antwerpen, werkzaam bij Contrast, erkend bemiddelaar en redacteur van dit tijdschrift.

Tweeluik – Diptych: Juggling a red hot potato: Italy, the EU, and mandatory mediation

Trefwoorden Italy, mandatory mediation, Italian Constitutional Court, European law
Auteurs Elisabetta Silvestri en Rob Jagtenberg

    This diptych consists of two articles: the first, The Rise and Fall of Mediation in Italy, by Elisabetta Silvestri, analyzes the way in which the Italian Constitutional Court has recently (October-December 2012) struck down a Decree that had introduced mandatory mediation in a wide range of civil procedure areas in Italy. The second article, The EU’s Italian Job, by Rob Jagtenberg, discusses the way in which the Advocate-General with the Court of Justice of the European Union has dealt with the request for a preliminary ruling on the compatibility of the same Decree with European law (Opinion of 19 April 2013). It appears that at both Court levels, the subject was perceived as too risky to judge on the merits: mandatory mediation thus ends as a potato too hot to hold in a court’s hand.

Elisabetta Silvestri
Elisabetti Silvestri is associate professor of law at the University of Pavia, Italy.

Rob Jagtenberg
Rob Jagtenberg is a senior researcher at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Departement of Law, and editor of TMD.

Het EU Justice Scoreboard 2013 en ADR

Auteurs Annie de Roo

Annie de Roo

Verslag conferentie Encouraging cross-border mediation, ADR & ODR

Trefwoorden mediation, ADR, ODR, consumentengeschillen
Auteurs Betty Santing-Wubs

Betty Santing-Wubs
Betty Santing-Wubs is universitair docent privaatrecht aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Jef Mostinckx
Jef Mostinckx is ere-bestuursdirecteur, Departement Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur en vice-voorzitter Bijzondere Commissie Sociale Zaken, Federale Bemiddelingscommissie.

Annie de Roo

Lambert Boot
Lambert Boot is ervaren bemiddelaar, mediator, onderhandelaar, coach en bestuursadviseur.

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