
Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit

Meer op het gebied van Criminologie en veiligheid

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Aflevering 2, 2020 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Access_open Sleutelpersonen in de sport

De aftrap

Auteurs Prof. dr. Hans Nelen en Dr. mr. Roland Moerland

Prof. dr. Hans Nelen
Prof. dr. Hans Nelen is hoogleraar criminologie aan de Universiteit Maastricht en redacteur voor Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit.

Dr. mr. Roland Moerland
Dr. mr. Roland Moerland is universitair docent criminologie aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Universiteit Maastricht.

Pro-cycling’s doping pentiti

Trefwoorden doping, cycling, cultural criminology, crime facilitative system, organisational crime
Auteurs Dr. mr. Roland Moerland en Giulio Soana

    Throughout the last decade several cyclists have published memoirs in which they account for their doping use. In previous literature such autobiographical accounts have been characterized as attempts of fallen sports stars to sanitize their spoiled public image. In contrast, the analysis in this article will show that the accounts are of relevance when it comes to understanding the problem of doping in professional cycling. Their accounts break the omertà regarding doping, providing insights about the motivation and opportunity structures behind doping and how such structures are endemic to the system of professional cycling.

Dr. mr. Roland Moerland
Dr. mr. Roland Moerland is universitair docent criminologie aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Universiteit Maastricht.

Giulio Soana
Giulio Soana is afgestudeerd Master Forensica, Criminologie en Rechtspleging, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Universiteit Maastricht.


Normalisering van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag in de (top)sport

Trefwoorden sexually transgressive behavior, normalization, topsport culture, grooming, coach
Auteurs Dr. mr. Anton van Wijk en Prof. mr. Marjan Olfers

    Sexually transgressive behavior occurs in all sections of society, including sports. That includes behavior from making sexual comments to rape. A risk factor is the culture that can prevail in sports, also known as a disruptive culture. There is normalization of deviant behavior. The top sport culture is particularly vulnerable to unacceptable behavior. In this article we will consider the phenomenon of grooming by the coach – the conscious and movement that induce the minor to engage in sexual contact. Within top sport, the opportunity for (sexually) transgressive behavior will be the determining factor. While grooming in recreational or recreational sport is often by isolating (vulnerable) children from the group, grooming can occur in top sport because of the intensity of the relationship, which is in any case of a more closed nature and can be strengthened by the strong performance-oriented top sport culture. In both cases, an alert, open environment is necessary to create a safe sports climate.

Dr. mr. Anton van Wijk
Dr. mr. Anton van Wijk is criminoloog en directeur van Bureau Beke en Verinorm.

Prof. mr. Marjan Olfers
Prof. mr. Marjan Olfers is hoogleraar sport en recht aan de VU, tevens directeur van Verinorm.

De vechter en de bierkaai

Kickboksbiografie in context

Trefwoorden kickboxing, criminal and sporting career, biography in context
Auteurs Dr. Frank van Gemert

    Hesdy Gerges is a heavyweight kickboxer whose career was interrupted because of his involvement in an cocaine transport. This article is analyzes the biography of this top fighter, describing the macro context of an expanding market for full-contact martial arts, the meso level of the gym and its relation to the criminal milieu, and the fighter and his body on the micro level. Hesdy is used to set an example, and since it takes more than seven years to reach a verdict, the impact on his private life and his career as a fighter is large. The study is based on participant observation and 33 interviews, twenty of which with the protagonist.

Dr. Frank van Gemert
Dr. Frank van Gemert is universitair docent bij de afdeling criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

De ‘criminele sponsor’ van het lokale amateurvoetbal

Trefwoorden georganiseerde misdaad, organisatiecriminaliteit, voetbal, witwassen, filantropie
Auteurs Professor Toine Spapens

    The social role of criminals in local communities has so far received relatively little systematic academic attention. This applies more specifically to their involvement in philanthropic activities. This paper describes and analyses the role of dubious sponsors particularly in Dutch amateur football. Although it is difficult to estimate the scope of the problem, results indicate that criminal sponsorship is not incidental. It mainly concerns corporate criminals, persons involved in drug crimes and outlaw motorcycle gangs. The main goal is to enhance their public image. In most cases, their involvement in crimes or regulatory offenses is difficult to assess without a doubt, which complicates preventative measures. Our analysis shows several interacting factors which increase clubs’ vulnerability to criminal infiltration: setting overambitious sportive goals; dependence on volunteers and a lack of formal integrity policies and internal compliance mechanisms; financial problems; and external pressures associated with the club’s role as the ‘pride’ of the city, the village or the neighbourhood.

Professor Toine Spapens
Professor Toine Spapens is hoogleraar criminologie aan Tilburg University.

Woekeren met andermans talent

Over de handel en wandel en het zelfbeeld van spelersagenten

Trefwoorden football agents, fraud, money laundering, regulation, self-image
Auteurs Prof. dr. Hans Nelen

    The focus of this article is on the role that football agents play in the world of professional football. Their role has also been associated with criminal activities such as money laundering, tax evasion, corruption and the exploitation of under-age players. The article pays attention to recent developments in the world of football and the shady business practices in relation to the transfer of football players. Moreover, the article addresses the self-image of football agents and raises the question whether they should take more responsibility themselves in containing fraud and money laundering in the world of football.

Prof. dr. Hans Nelen
Prof. dr. Hans Nelen is hoogleraar criminologie aan de Universiteit Maastricht en redacteur voor Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit.

Johan Derksen als sleutelfiguur

Auteurs Dr. Bas van Stokkom en Professor Dr. Janine Janssen

Dr. Bas van Stokkom
Dr. Bas van Stokkom is research fellow aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen en redacteur van Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit.

Professor Dr. Janine Janssen
Professor Dr. Janine Janssen is hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld van de nationale politie, lector Veiligheid in Afhankelijkheidsrelaties aan Avans Hogeschool, bijzonder hoogleraar Rechtsantropologie aan de Open Universiteit en redacteur van Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit.

Johan Derksen: bezig baasje en durfal

Auteurs Professor Dr. Janine Janssen

Professor Dr. Janine Janssen
Professor Dr. Janine Janssen is hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld van de nationale politie, lector Veiligheid in Afhankelijkheidsrelaties aan Avans Hogeschool, bijzonder hoogleraar Rechtsantropologie aan de Open Universiteit en redacteur van Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit.

Johan Derksen: BN’er en knuffelhufter

Over volksvermaak en het onaantastbare imago van de voetballerij

Auteurs Dr. Bas van Stokkom

Dr. Bas van Stokkom
Dr. Bas van Stokkom is research fellow aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen en redacteur van Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit.

De kampioen van Colombia door Gabriel García Márquez

Trefwoorden sport, wielrennen, literatuur
Auteurs Professor Dr. Janine Janssen

Professor Dr. Janine Janssen
Professor Dr. Janine Janssen is hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Gerelateerd Geweld van de nationale politie, lector Veiligheid in Afhankelijkheidsrelaties aan Avans Hogeschool, bijzonder hoogleraar Rechtsantropologie aan de Open Universiteit en redacteur van Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit.

Meest gelezen artikelen van de afgelopen 24 maanden