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Aflevering 03, 2008


Auteurs Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer, Robert Knegt en Oliver Lembcke

Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer
Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer teaches philosophical aspects of penal law and constitutional law at the department General Jurisprudence of the University of Amsterdam. PhD (1995) on the relevance of theory of science for jurists. Her research interests are history of epistemology of empirical and normative sciences. Recent publications downloadable: .

Robert Knegt
Robert Knegt is Research director of the Hugo Sinzheimer Instituut (UvA, Amsterdam). 1979 Law degree/1982 MA Sociology/1986 PhD. His research interests incluse implementation of social security schemes, rules and practices as to dismissal and to other situations of deconstructing socio-economic relations and a historical-sociological approach of labour law as it has developed from the 11th century, with special interest in the formative role of legal concepts in the development of socio-economic/labour relations. Recent publication: The Employment Contract as an Exclusionary Device (Intersentia, 2008).

Oliver Lembcke
Oliver Lembcke is Assistant Professor of political theory at Friedrich- Schiller-University, Jena; secretary general of the Hellmuth Loening Center for Political Science – 1995 MA Political Science, 2002 Mediator, 2004 PhD - Research on political theory and legal theory; history of political ideas; ethics and politics. Recent publications: Hüter der Verfassung. Eine institutionentheoretische Studie zur Autorität des Bundesverfassungs-gerichts. (Tübingen 2007); Des Menschen Würde – entdeckt und erfunden im Humanismus der italienischen Renaissance (Politika, 2008).

Joris Kocken
Joris Kocken is Associate Professor of conflict resolution at the University of Amsterdam. – 1989 MA Sociology/ 1997 PhD/ 2000 Law degree LL.M. - 2000 Mediator. Research: Conflict theory, international conflicts and rule of law, (legal) conflict resolution, ADR, professional ethics for lawyers and mediators.

Devyani Prabhat
Devyani Prabhat is PhD candidate in sociology at New York University. – 2001 Law degree (India), 2004 Law degree (US); 2008 MA (Sociology). 2001-2003 Lawyer (New Delhi); 2003 clerk for the Indian Supreme Court; 2005 attorney (New York). Research interests include legitimacy, social movements, professional autonomy; lawyers. Recent publications: Entries on Anti-terror laws (Greenwood Press Criminal Justice Encyclopedia), Desis, San Antonio case, Fordice Case and Cisneros case (all Brown v. Board of Education progeny cases on desegregation of American educational institutes) for the Sage Russell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society (2007).

The Dynamics of Legitimacy

A Critical Reconstruction of Max Weber’s Concept

Auteurs Oliver Lembcke

Oliver Lembcke
Oliver Lembcke is Assistant Professor of political theory at Friedrich- Schiller-University, Jena; secretary general of the Hellmuth Loening Center for Political Science – 1995 MA Political Science, 2002 Mediator, 2004 PhD - Research on political theory and legal theory; history of political ideas; ethics and politics. Recent publications: Hüter der Verfassung. Eine institutionentheoretische Studie zur Autorität des Bundesverfassungs-gerichts. (Tübingen 2007); Des Menschen Würde – entdeckt und erfunden im Humanismus der italienischen Renaissance (Politika, 2008).

Escaping the Iron Cage

Framing Weber’s Concept of Legitimacy

Auteurs Erik de Bakker

Erik de Bakker
Erik de Bakker is senior researcher at LEI Wageningen UR (Department of Public Issues). - 1992 MA Sociology and Philosophy, 2001 PhD Sociology of Law. His research interests are consumer concerns and applied ethics in the field of food policy. Recent publications: Grenzen aan governance: Een analyse van toezicht op controle. (Bestuurskunde, 2007, co-author); Integrity and Cynicism: Possibilities and Constraints of Moral Communication (Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 2007).

Legitimacy and Types of Legality

Auteurs Niels van van Manen

Niels van van Manen
Niels van Manen is lecturer General Jurisprudence at the Law Faculty of the University of Amsterdam, substitute judge in the High Court of Amsterdam, and chairman of the Committee on Police complaints in Amsterdam- Amstelland. See for research subjects and recent publications: .

Robert Knegt
Robert Knegt is Research director of the Hugo Sinzheimer Instituut (UvA, Amsterdam). 1979 Law degree/1982 MA Sociology/1986 PhD. His research interests incluse implementation of social security schemes, rules and practices as to dismissal and to other situations of deconstructing socio-economic relations and a historical-sociological approach of labour law as it has developed from the 11th century, with special interest in the formative role of legal concepts in the development of socio-economic/labour relations. Recent publication: The Employment Contract as an Exclusionary Device (Intersentia, 2008).

Tort, Social Aims and the Iron Cage

On the Relevance of Weber’s Concepts for the Analysis of Tort

Auteurs Rob Schwitters

Rob Schwitters
Rob Schwitters is Associate Professor Legal Theory at the University of Amsterdam. – 1991 PhD. His research interests include transformations of legal rationality (especially within tort law), risk-society, the symbolic qualities of law, medical decisions concerning the end life. Recent publications: Recht en samenleving in verandering (Kluwer, 2000 & 2008), Over maatmannen en het subjectieve, enkele overwegingen bij de doctrine van het privaatrecht (R&R 2008); Zorgvuldigheid op maat van derden. (Derden in het privaatrecht, Reinhartz c.s. (eds.), Boom 2008).

Harry Willekens
Harry Willekens teaches jurisprudence and juvenile law at the University of Hildesheim and comparative inheritance law at the University of Hannover. His research focuses on the history and sociology of the legal regulation of the family in a broad sense. His last sociological publication: Child Care and Preschool Institutions in Europe. (Houndmills, Palgrave MacMillan 2008, coedited with Kirsten Scheiwe).

Turning the State into a Household

From Judicial Law to Administrative Law

Auteurs Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer

Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer
Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer teaches philosophical aspects of penal law and constitutional law at the department General Jurisprudence of the University of Amsterdam. PhD (1995) on the relevance of theory of science for jurists. Her research interests are history of epistemology of empirical and normative sciences. Recent publications downloadable: .

Legitimacy in the European Joint Administration

A Weberian Perspective

Auteurs Enrico Peuker

Enrico Peuker
Enrico Peuker is Research Assistant at the Institute of Public Law, European Law and Public International Law at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. – 2006 Law Degree. Research on German Public Law, European Law, Public International Law and Problems of Legitimacy in the European Joint Administration. Recent Publications: Das Dogma der Unantastbarkeit. (Juristenzeitung 2007, together with D. Seifarth); Finanzwirksame Volksbegehren im Verfassungsstaat – Das Beispiel der Initiative ‘Für eine bessere Familienpolitik in Thüringen. (Thüringer Verwaltungsblätter 2007); Das Wahlrecht zum Europäischen Parlament als Achillesferse der europäischen Demokratie (Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien 2008).