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Aflevering 3, 2019 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Over urgentie en afstandelijkheid

Auteurs Dr. Rob Schwitters

Dr. Rob Schwitters
Rob Schwitters is universitair Hoofddocent Rechtssociologie aan de UvA.

Access_open Advocaten in Europa: vertegenwoordiging op het hoogste niveau?

Trefwoorden Representation, Lawyers, European Court of Justice, Preliminary References, Relational Expertise
Auteurs Jos Hoevenaars PhD

    Research on the significance of representation indicates that lawyers contribute to positive outcomes of legal procedures not only by their substantive expertise but also by the relational expertise they bring. The latter involves understanding how to navigate the relationships involved in getting work done. In this paper these insights are used to investigate the highly specific and atypical practise of the preliminary reference procedure in the European legal system in order to reveal how lawyers deal with such an unexpected change of (legal) context. The empirical data, collected through semi-structured interviews with twenty-eight lawyers with past experience with the procedure, reveals the significant ways in which lawyers’ positive contribution to such cases is undermined by their lack of both substantive and relational expertise in pleading a case before the European Court of Justice. The fact that such cases do not necessarily fall into the hands of the professionals best equipped to plead such disputes before the Court, and the inability of the less well-off parties in particular to hire further expertise, points in the direction of a disadvantaged position for this group of litigants in having their interest represented effectively at the European level.

Jos Hoevenaars PhD
Jos Hoevenaars is postdoc onderzoeker aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Manoeuvreren binnen smalle marges

Over de rol van wetgevingsjuristen bij de totstandkoming van wet- en regelgeving

Trefwoorden Legislation, Legislative drafting, Professionalism, Legal Ethics, Sociology of Law
Auteurs Dr. Nienke Doornbos en Mr. dr. Arnt Mein

    In the past five years, the Council of State, the National Ombudsman and several academics have criticized the way in which new legislation has been made. In their view, principles of law and the rule of law are insufficiently uphold due to an instrumentalist view on law. This criticism urged the authors to conduct an empirical study into the question how legislative drafters deal with legislative plans which are problematic from a legal or rule of law point of view, and how they justify their role in the legislative process. This study is explorative and qualitative in nature. During the summer of 2018, 24 legislative lawyers from five different Dutch ministries have been interviewed. The results show that the role of legislative lawyers can best be characterized as constructively critical. As their tasks encompass much more than solely the actual drafting of legislation, they more and more resemble their colleagues from the policy department. The authors suggest that legislative lawyers should articulate their distinctive professional ethics in order to strengthen the checks and balances within the ministries.

Dr. Nienke Doornbos
Nienke Doornbos is universitair docent aan de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Haar onderzoek richt zich onder meer op beroepsethische kwesties bij juridische beroepen.

Mr. dr. Arnt Mein
Arnt Mein is lector Legal Management aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, faculteit Maatschappij en Recht. Hij doet onderzoek naar onder meer de beroepshouding van juristen.

Prof. dr. Bart van Klink
Bart van Klink is hoogleraar Methoden van recht en rechtswetenschap, afdeling Rechtstheorie en Rechtsgeschiedenis, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Dr. Roel Pieterman
Roel Pieterman is rechtssocioloog. Hij werkte van 1983 tot 2019 als rechtssocioloog aan de Erasmus Universiteit.
Recensies en signalementen

Uitbesteed, het recht uitgekleed

Auteurs Dr. Rob Schwitters

Dr. Rob Schwitters
Rob Schwitters is universitair Hoofddocent Rechtssociologie aan de UvA.
Recensies en signalementen

Schikkende rechters onder de loep

Auteurs Dr. Roland Eshuis

Dr. Roland Eshuis
Roland Eshuis is scientific researcher bij het WODC.
Recensies en signalementen

De rol van waargenomen onrechtvaardigheid bij radicalisering

Auteurs Dr. Paulien de Winter

Dr. Paulien de Winter
Paulien de Winter is universitair docent aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Recensies en signalementen

Cleveringa als held en mascotte

Auteurs Derk Venema
Auteursinformatie Derk Venema
Derk Venema is docent Duits en zelfstandig onderzoeker.
Recensies en signalementen

Een semiotiek van de droom, de ceremonie, het land en het recht

Trefwoorden Aboriginal recht, Rechtsantropologie
Auteurs Mr. Bart Jansen

Mr. Bart Jansen
Bart Jansen is promovendus aan Nyenrode Business Universiteit.
Recensies en signalementen

Over rechtsbewustzijn en rechtsvervreemding

Auteurs Mr. Lisa Ansems

Mr. Lisa Ansems
Lisa Ansems is als promovenda verbonden aan het Montaigne Centrum voor Rechtsstaat en Rechtspleging van de Universiteit Utrecht, waar zij onderzoek doet naar ervaren procedurele rechtvaardigheid onder verdachten in strafzaken.
Werk in uitvoering

The alternative war on drugs: drug evictions and the (re)regulation of cannabis

Trefwoorden Drug eviction, Drug policy, Culture of Control, Empirical legal research
Auteurs L. Michelle Bruijn LLM Ph.D.

    As a reaction to the perceived enforcement deficit of criminal law in the field of drug control, several countries implemented alternative regulatory strategies. One such strategy is the reregulating drugs, especially cannabis. Another strategy is the use of civil or administrative law to address drug-related crime. Especially the use of eviction to combat drug activities has become increasingly popular.
    My PhD research focuses on these two developments within the field of drug control. More specifically, on the underlying rationales for the policies on recreational cannabis, the possibilities that international law provide to regulate recreational cannabis, the legal protection against drug-related evictions, and the explanation for the use of eviction to fight drug-related activities.

L. Michelle Bruijn LLM Ph.D.
Michelle Bruijn is promovendus en docent aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.