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Aflevering 3, 2011 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Het strafrecht en ruimte voor bezinning

Trefwoorden editorial
Auteurs Mr. dr. Jolande uit Beijerse

Mr. dr. Jolande uit Beijerse
Mr. dr. J. uit Beijerse is universitair docent straf- en strafprocesrecht aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en tevens redactielid van PROCES.

Is het Nederlandse terrorismebeleid écht zo degelijk vormgegeven?

Een bespreking van recent uitgevoerd evaluatieonderzoek

Trefwoorden legislation evaluation, counterterrorism legislation, evaluative research, security culture
Auteurs Mr. dr. Maartje van der Woude

    Almost ten years after the catastrophic attacks in New York and Washington, Dutch counterterrorism legislation has been evaluated. Since (the drafting of) this body of legislation has been highly criticized over the past years, there was a great need for a thorough and objective evaluation, covering the questions that were risen over years concerning the legitimacy, necessity and effectiveness of the counterterrorism legislation. This article aims to show that the political nature of counterterrorism seems to impede on such an evaluation by systematically discussing the flaws and weaknesses of the evaluative study carried out by the Ministry of Security and Justice.

Mr. dr. Maartje van der Woude
Mr. dr. M.A.H. van der Woude is universitair docent bij het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie, Universiteit Leiden en tevens redactielid van PROCES.

De verstandelijk beperkte verdachte verhoord

Trefwoorden mental retardation, interrogation, vulnerable suspects, Freedom to speak
Auteurs Mr. Gerben van Oijen

    Suspects with a mental retardation are a vulnerable group in the judicial investigation. This group of suspects is more susceptible to influence and there is an increased risk of getting an incomplete, inaccurate and inconsistent statement. That is the reason why on an extremely careful manner should be dealt with these suspects. It appears that this degree of care in an interrogatory often will not be respected. This article analyses the current safeguards surrounding the interrogation of mentally retarded suspects. It remains to be seen whether the current rules for the interrogation of mental retarded suspects will safeguard their position adequately.

Mr. Gerben van Oijen
Mr. G.M.J. van Oijen is advocaat bij Van Iersel Luchtman Advocaten in Breda.

Van de wijzen en de gek, of de nieuwe kleren van de keizer?

Psychiatrische en psychologische rapportage in strafzaken

Auteurs Dr. Ben Blansjaar

Dr. Ben Blansjaar
Dr. B.A. Blansjaar is psychiater/psychotherapeut.

Verplichte nazorg effectief?

Trefwoorden juvenile delinquents, aftercare, re-adjustment, placement in Institution for Juvenile offenders
Auteurs Dr. Maartje Timmermans en Dr. Katrien de Vaan

    In the near future juvenile delinquents who return from a PIJ-measure (Placement in Institution for Juvenile Offenders) will receive aftercare on a compulsory basis. Aftercare aims at a successful re-adjustment in society, contributing to reduced recidivism. In 2008 a pilot was set up in which 18+ PIJ youth were offered voluntary aftercare. Commissioned by the Ministry of Justice, Regioplan Beleidsonderzoek investigated the experiences in the pilot. Results show that the content of the aftercare is mainly focused on practical issues. Support on (further) development of psychosocial abilities is minimal. The authors make recommendations that could be relevant in setting up the content of obligatory and effective aftercare.

Dr. Maartje Timmermans
Dr. M. Timmermans is onderzoeker op het gebied van criminaliteit en veiligheid bij Regioplan Beleidsonderzoek.

Dr. Katrien de Vaan
Dr. K.B.M. de Vaan is onderzoeker op het gebied van criminaliteit en veiligheid bij Regioplan Beleidsonderzoek.

Oom Henk

Trefwoorden Column
Auteurs Jaap A. van Vliet

Jaap A. van Vliet
Dr. J.A. van Vliet is beleidsadviseur bij Leger des Heils Jeugdzorg & Reclassering, senior onderzoeker bij het Lectoraat ‘Werken in Justitieel Kader’ bij de Hogeschool Utrecht en redactielid van PROCES.