
Justitiële verkenningen

Meer op het gebied van Criminologie en veiligheid

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Aflevering 4, 2017 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen





Tussen zorg en hoop

De ontwikkeling van de nationale politieorganisatie

Trefwoorden national police force, police reform, change, organizational dynamics, leadership
Auteurs Dr. W. Landman

    In 2013, the government of the Netherlands established a national police force, replacing a system of largely autonomous regional police organizations. This led to an extensive police reform. In this article, I explore the effects of this police reform on the internal dynamics within the police organization. I describe five ‘negative’ effects: anonymization, decoupling, formalization, confusion and de-owning. These effects lead to alienation between police offers and the police organization and hinder the development of the national police force. Beside these negative effects, there are also positive forces that shape the development of the national police force. The top leadership is changing the strategic leadership style and there are many innovative initiatives on the local level contributing to the goals of the reform. However, to make the ambitions of the reform feasible there are adjustments needed in the organizational structure and change approach. The operational core of the organization needs to be the central point of reference for these adjustments.

Dr. W. Landman
Dr. Wouter Landman is als onderzoeker en adviseur werkzaam bij Twynstra Gudde. De auteur schreef dit artikel op persoonlijke titel.

Aanzetten tot verbetering van de opsporing

‘Handelen naar Waarheid’ een jaar later

Trefwoorden national police force, police reform, change, organizational dynamics, leadership
Auteurs Dr. N. Kop en Dr. P. Klerks

    The authors reflect on ‘Handelen naar waarheid’ (Acting on truth), an assessment of the state of criminal investigations in The Netherlands, which appeared in May 2016. This report, assigned by the police and public prosecution service and written by four inside experts, caused substantial turmoil in the police organization and beyond. The report addresses six domains: professionalism, attitude and behavior, direction and leadership, capacity for change, organizational structure and business management. The critical and transparent self-reflection by the police received praise from policymakers, journalists and academic observers. It also met with recognition and appreciation in the law enforcement community, in particular among investigators and prosecutors. In the wake of the report, a reform program was organized to modernize both the police and the prosecution service in order to increase the quality and effectiveness of their work. Such reform is deemed necessary because crime problems have become ever more complex and citizens increasingly organize their own (counter-)investigations. The authors conclude that in spite of many recent initiatives, truly innovative practices remain scarce. Also, the crucial ambitions to increase the educational level of investigators and the organizational culture are still far from realized.

Dr. N. Kop
Dr. Nicolien Kop is als lector Criminaliteitsbeheersing & Recherchekunde verbonden aan de Politieacademie.

Dr. P. Klerks
Dr. Peter Klerks is raadadviseur bij het Parket-Generaal, Openbaar Ministerie. Hij levert zijn bijdrage op persoonlijke titel.

Opheldering verzocht?

Over de drastische daling van het aantal opgehelderde misdrijven

Trefwoorden police, crime, detection rates, crime prevention, security policy
Auteurs Drs. B. de Koning

Drs. B. de Koning
Drs. Bart de Koning (1967) is onderzoeksjournalist en auteur van de boeken Alles onder controle: de overheid houdt u in de gaten, Operatie Blauw: weg met de bureaucratie bij de Nederlandse politie en De veiligheidsmythe: over politie, justitie en misdaad in Nederland. De Koning studeerde economie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en werkte onder meer voor Quote, FemBusiness en HP/De Tijd. Tegenwoordig is hij zelfstandig journalist. Hij schrijft over de politie op De Correspondent en publiceert onder andere in Volkskrant, Vrij Nederland en Maarten.

Vertrouwen in de politie

Empirisch onderzoek naar de beleving van vertrouwen in de Rotterdamse wijk Bloemhof

Trefwoorden Trust, security and safety management,, performance theory, procedural justice, Netherlands
Auteurs Dr. mr. M.B. Schuilenburg, B. Besseling MSc en F. Uitendaal MSc

    There have been little to no empirical research conducted on trust of Dutch citizens in the police. This study is a step towards filling this gap. We used semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and observations to examine to what extent citizens’ trust in the police is determined by perceptions of the effectiveness of the police to reduce crime and disorder and perceptions of procedural justice. Research was conducted in Bloemhof, a superdiverse neighbourhood in Rotterdam. The results indicate that in superdiverse neighbourhoods perceived responsiveness is the cornerstone for explaining police trustworthiness. Implications for policy reform are discussed.

Dr. mr. M.B. Schuilenburg
Dr. mr. Marc Schuilenburg doceert aan de afdeling Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. Hij is tevens redactieraadlid van Justitiële verkenningen.

B. Besseling MSc
Broos Besseling MSc studeerde criminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

F. Uitendaal MSc
Fleur Uitendaal MSc studeerde criminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

De uitdagingen voor gebiedsgebonden politiezorg

Ambigue ontwikkelingen, platgetreden paden en nieuwe wegen

Auteurs T. Meurs MSc en B.J. Kreulen MSc

    This article focuses on the challenges facing Community Oriented Policing (COP) in an increasingly complex society. The authors describe how the Dutch police adresses this context through a new police organisation on a national basis, specified job protocols, intelligence led policing and higher educated specialists. Seeking for alternatives the authors argue that COP should be based on a problem centered approach which profits from the insights of local policemen and operational specialists. Adressing ambiguous problems will fail when only applying system logic. Instead, moral involvement and sensemaking are indispensable.

T. Meurs MSc
Teun Meurs MSc werkt aan een promotieonderzoek over kennisintensivering en de ontwikkeling van onderzoekende politieprofessionaliteit. Het onderzoek is onderdeel van de Strategische Onderzoeksagenda 2015-2019 en wordt gefaciliteerd door de Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen, Universiteit Utrecht, de Politieacademie en de Nationale Politie.

B.J. Kreulen MSc
Bert Jan Kreulen MSc is werkzaam binnen de dienst Politieprofessie in de Eenheid Amsterdam en houdt zich bezig met de ontwikkeling van Gebiedsgebonden Politiezorg, met een focus op de rol van de wijkagent. De auteurs bedanken Wouter Landman voor zijn constructieve commentaar op een eerdere versie van dit artikel.

Over toekomstbestendige policing

De dilemma’s van veiligheidsregimes in grote steden

Trefwoorden policing, security, urban regimes, police strategies, risk management
Auteurs Dr. E. Devroe

    In this article we identify the political agency and discretion available to metropolises to define and accomplish their own policing agendas and to question what the role of public police forces can be in executing such agendas. Results of a comparative case study of 24 metropolises illustrate a major focus on risk management strategies like environmental opportunity oriented measures, hot spot hot time predictive policing actions and preventative community oriented policing. Also programs like Top 600 in Amsterdam and other early intervention efforts oriented towards ‘groups at risk’ (youngsters, nomads and criminal careers) find a place in the risk assessment regime. This article classifies all urban programs in 5 different ‘urban regimes’ and sheds light on the role the police should take in order to execute stated policy goals, summarized in urban policy coalition plans and security plans.

Dr. E. Devroe
Dr. Elke Devroe is als Associate professor verbonden aan het Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs van de Universiteit Leiden.

Een insidersanalyse van de Franse politieorganisatie

Trefwoorden France, State of emergency, Police powers, Police organisation, Politisation
Auteurs Dr. G. Meershoek

    This contribution offers a review of the recently published book Sécurité. Ce qu’on vous cache (‘Security. What is being hidden for you’) written by Patrice Bergougnoux (with Frédéric Ploquin). Bergougnoux has had a long career inside the French police organisation. His book comes out at a crucial moment, now the French police has become subject of a fierce debate due to its expanded powers during the state of emergency in place since the terrorist attacks in Paris in november 2016 up to today. Bergougnoux gives an insider’s view on the police organisation and how it became a subject of power struggle between various French political forces. While the French have had a national police for 75 years, the Netherlands only recently formed a national force. This book entails a national vision on how to structure the police services and as such could be inspiring for the Dutch debate on the national police.

Dr. G. Meershoek
Dr. Guus Meershoek is als lector Politiegeschiedenis verbonden aan de Politieacademie en als docent Safety Governance aan de Faculteit Bestuurskunde van de Universiteit Twente.