Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


De mediator buddy

Reflecties bij de persoonlijkheid van de mediator, de nood aan ‘de-bias’ en de haalbaarheid van een mediator ‘buddy’

Trefwoorden mediator buddy, bias, integrity, 5MBP, reflection
Auteurs Alain Laurent Verbeke

Alain Laurent Verbeke
Alain Laurent Verbeke is gewoon hoogleraar aan de KU Leuven, Full Professor of Law & Negotiation-Mediation Leuven, Harvard, Tilburg, UCP Lisbon en advocaat.
  • Samenvatting

      As mediators we should be aware of our biases. We cannot avoid them, although we need integrity and impartiality while helping people communicate and negotiate in their search for conflict resolution. The mediator’s job is delicate and important, as we ‘play’ with people and their underlying interests, emotions and identity. That is also the case in business mediation, where it all seems to be just professional and some feel emotions are to be avoided.
      Mediators need much intrapersonal work to stay balanced and to manage their own biases. In this article a 5 step Managing Biases Process (5MBP) is suggested.
      To do this honestly and seriously, and to keep growing, we need a ‘sparring partner”. Such mediator buddy contributes to our checks and balances, and better guarantees the integrity of the mediator.

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