
Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement

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Aflevering 1, 2017 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Annie de Roo
Annie de Roo is hoofdredacteur van TMD, hoofddocent aan de Erasmus Universiteit en vicevoorzitter van de examencommissie Stichting Kwaliteit Mediators. Zij heeft diverse malen als key expert voor de Europese Commissie meegewerkt aan projecten met name op het gebied van arbeidsrechtelijke mediation.

De Mediatorsfederatie Nederland van binnenuit belicht

Interview met Maarten de Haas (voorzitter) en Daan de Snoo (secretaris)

Auteurs Roger Ritzen en Herman Verbist

Roger Ritzen
Roger Ritzen is advocaat aan de Balie te Breda-Middelburg (Nederland) en EU-Advocaat aan de Balie te Antwerpen. Tevens erkend bemiddelaar, erkend door de Federale Bemiddelingscommissie (België) en redactielid van TMD.

Herman Verbist
Herman Verbist is advocaat aan de Balie te Gent en te Brussel; erkend bemiddelaar, erkend door de Federale Bemiddelingscommissie in België en redactielid van TMD.

Dispute resolution and conflict management in Germany

Evolution of a decade

Trefwoorden Germany, European Mediation Directive, German Mediation Law, Institute of Conflict Management, commercial dispute resolution
Auteurs Stefanie Hartog en Michael Hammes

    Despite the positive development of the European Mediation Directive and its translation in the German Mediation Law, in 2014 only 1.5% of the cases in court proceedings at the lower German courts were referred to court mandated conciliation or mediation proceedings. Against this background and in the context of a broader ten years research project, PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Institute of Conflict Management at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) initiated a series of studies in 2005. This series was recently concluded with the fifth study conducted end of 2015 and published in October 2016. In addition to assessing the overall corporate landscape in Germany with regard to commercial dispute resolution, the study also considered the future developments and the required changes for further advancing this field.

Stefanie Hartog
Stefanie Hartog is a Senior Consultant of PricewaterhouseCooper’s Forensic Services practice based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Michael Hammes
Michael Hammes is a Director of PricewaterhouseCooper’s Forensic Services practice based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Michael has extensive experience in dispute resolution. He frequently acts as a party-appointed or tribunal appointed expert in arbitration or court proceedings or as an expert arbitrator.

Conciliation Between Lawyer and Client (Consumer) at the Czech Bar Association

Trefwoorden Legal fees, Consumer dispute, Czech Republic, Czech Bar Association, Professional secret
Auteurs Martina Doležalová

    The 2013/11/EU Directive on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes has forced the bar authorities in all European countries to think about the implementation of a dispute resolution mechanism to handle disputes between lawyers and their clients. The fear, if not done, would be that disputes between lawyers and clients would fall into the general consumer dispute resolution mechanisms, which many felt would not be adapted to the peculiarities of disputes between lawyers and clients, in particular concerning the proper respect of professional secrecy. Hence the need for the bars to develop their own system. The Czech Bar Association has been among the first to propose such mechanism to the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This article describes the broad outlines of the system.

Martina Doležalová
Martina Doležalová, PhD., is a lawyer and registered mediator, conciliator in consumer disputes, head of the ADR section at the Czech Bar Association.

Luc Demeyere
Luc Demeyere is advocaat aan de Balie te Antwerpen, werkzaam bij Contrast en redactielid van TMD.

Peter van Schelven
Peter van Schelven is secretaris van het bestuur van SGOA.

Boyd van Loon
Boyd van Loon is werkzaam bij Conway & Partners.

Herman Verbist
Advocaat bij de balie te Gent en te Brussel (Everest Advocaten); erkend bemiddelaar in burgerlijke en handelszaken bij de Federale Bemiddelingscommissie in België. De auteur volgt sinds verschillende jaren als waarnemer de vergaderingen van de werkgroep arbitrage en conciliatie van UNCITRAL.

Fredy Von Hombracht
Fredy von Hombracht is directeur van het Nederlands Arbitrage Instituut te Rotterdam.