Mediation plays a critical role in the development of any civil justice system. The positive effects of mediation could only manifest if the process is protected in ways that allow parties to truly be able to choose what is best in their interests and explore options free from interference from anyone else. The Chinese legal culture, coupled with a systemic distortion of the function of mediation during the period between March 2008 and March 2013, made it very difficult to develop an authentic mediation system that places party autonomy and other core principles at the heart of the process. As much as the leaders of the Supreme People’s Court today are aware of the need to strengthen the courts role in declaring legal norms and enforcing rights, it is argued that courts (especially lower courts) are likely to continue to use judicial mediation for institutional or strategic purposes. |
Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement
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Redactioneel |
Over Chinese rechterlijke mediation, 40 jaar Europa en ‘gewone’ mediation, en collaboratieve praktijken |
Auteurs | Annie de Roo |
Auteursinformatie |
Artikel |
A Distorted Mediation Landscape: Judicial Mediation in the Chinese Civil Courts |
Trefwoorden | Chinese civil justice, Mediating civil and commercial disputes in China, Comparative civil procedure, Judicial behaviour in Chinese civil courts |
Auteurs | Peter Chan |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
40 jaar Europa en mediationBeschouwing naar aanleiding van het eindverslag van de Europese Commissie inzake toepassing van de Mediationrichtlijn in de lidstaten |
Trefwoorden | Mediation Directive, Geschiedenis ADR, Verslag Europese Commissie, Mediationrichtlijn |
Auteurs | Annie de Roo en Rob Jagtenberg |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Taking the recent European Commission’s Report on the application of Mediation Directive 2008/52/EC as a starting point, the authors set out to reconstruct the pattern of ADR/mediation activities undertaken by the EU and the Council of Europe over the past 40 years. The authors conclude that the European initiatives have been conducive to a broadening and deepening of the ADR debate. Remarkable shifts can be observed in the emphasis placed by the European agencies during this period, notably a shift from emancipatory to efficiency-based arguments. The inherent coupling of private mediation and public adjudication entails risks however for each of these distinct conflict resolution strategies. The authors call for advanced research designs to generate the data needed for a genuine evidence-based policy in this domain. |
Artikel |
Collaboratief recht in België: een veelbelovende ADR-methode voor de Vlaamse advocaat |
Trefwoorden | Collaboratief, Onderhandelen, Belangengericht, Terugtrekkingsplicht |
Auteurs | Anne-Sofie D’Herde |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Over the last years the expectations of Belgian clients have changed and the Flemish lawyer needs to adapt his positioning. Clients are looking for a personalized solution that not only provides a solution for the substantive (pure legal) aspect of the dispute, but also meets, at least takes into account, the more emotional and relational aspects of the conflict. |
Artikel |
Collaborative Practice – wat is het en wat brengt het?Hoe een methode van samenwerken in het overleg alle betrokkenen verder kan brengen |
Trefwoorden | Multidisciplinair, Collaborative Practice, Overlegscheiden, mediation plus |
Auteurs | Wampie van Arkel en Irene van Noort |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This article is about the process of Collaborative Practice, also known as Collaborative law, and more specific collaborative divorce. The aim of this article is to explain what the process entails, when it can be used, what the benefits for clients are and what a professional can gain by making this method his own. |
Casus |
Verslag bemiddelingswedstrijd UHasselt – KULeuven |
Auteurs | Michiel Verhulst |
Auteursinformatie |