Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Conflictbeslechting na misdaad bij de Marrons in Suriname

Mogelijke bruggen tussen de traditionele en moderne misdaadaanpak

Trefwoorden Marrons, Suriname, traditionele misdaadaanpak, Twinningproject, krutu
Auteurs Jacques Claessen en Rinette Djokarto

Jacques Claessen
Jacques Claessen is bijzonder hoogleraar herstelrecht en universitair hoofddocent strafrecht aan de Universiteit Maastricht en rechter-plaatsvervanger bij de Rechtbank Limburg.

Rinette Djokarto
Rinette Djokarto is docent strafrecht en rechtssociologie aan de Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname, buitenpromovenda aan de Universiteit Leiden en lid van het Constitutioneel Hof van Suriname.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article, we report on our initial findings (from the field) regarding conflict resolution among the Maroons in Suriname. After first providing some background information about the Maroons (section 2), we describe their manner of conflict resolution after a crime has taken place and we explain what justice within this context entails for them (section 3). Subsequently, we try to distil ‘the useful elements’ from the Maroons’ approach to crime, that is to say elements with which modern restorative justice, i.e. restorative justice that meets, inter alia, human rights and constitutional requirements, can be nourished and strengthened. We also discuss some of the challenges we have encountered, where the traditional legal system and the modern criminal justice system come together (section 4). Then we try to build some possible bridges between the two legal systems (section 5). The contribution concludes with providing a window on the future of the development of restorative justice in Suriname and the Netherlands.

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