Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Het Utrechts Mediatiemodel: opvang voor basisconflicten op wijkniveau

Auteurs Janny Dierx en Caroline Verhoeff

Janny Dierx
Janny Dierx werkt als adviseur en mediator en is ambassadeur van de Stichting mediation in strafzaken. Zij is tevens lid van de redactie van het Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht.

Caroline Verhoeff
Caroline Verhoeff is Directeur Kwaliteit bij de Stichting Primair Onderwijs Utrecht en stedelijk coördinator Vreedzame Wijkaanpak.
  • Samenvatting

      Utrecht, the fourth largest city of The Netherlands, is addressing resolving social conflict by promoting schools to adhere to the Peaceful School Program and civilians and professionals to join the Peaceful Neighborhood Program. The Peaceful School Program is designed to address problematic behavior of youth in primary, secondary and high school education and evolved into a democratic and participatory citizenship program. The Peaceful Neighborhood Program is involving important organizations that are active within the neighborhood, members of the community and stake-holders to adapt peaceful attitudes in daily life, including a mind-set that addresses conflicts by resolving them (together).
      These two programs are in the process of ‘conquering’ the whole of the city of Utrecht and every single neighborhood. The so-called Utrecht Model for Mediation is supporting these Peaceful Programs, through empowering citizens and professional to enhance their ‘peaceful skills’ and skills for conflict resolution. Citizens and professionals are being trained to develop this mindset. The Utrecht Model for Mediation is organizing a community of mediators that can be of help. A pool of volunteer mediators is being formed to help organizations, professionals, parents, students and members of the community in case of problems, tensions, problematic behavior of youth groups, etcetera. Professional mediators intervene in case of escalated conflicts and penal cases.

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