Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Eigen Kracht in de buurt – durven we wel?

Auteurs Piet van Diepen

Piet van Diepen
Piet van Diepen is mede-initiator van Wikistad, dat bijdraagt aan een maatschappij waar Eigen Kracht en Burgerkracht het uitgangspunt is bij de aanpak van problemen en de overheid aansluit. Als professionele onderzoeker, conceptontwikkelaar en burger combineert hij kennis op onder meer het gebied van veiligheid en armoedebestrijding met deze doelstelling.
  • Samenvatting

      In various neighbourhoods in Amsterdam tensions between their inhabitants are felt. Inhabitants are irritated by the behaviour of youths, polluted streets and nuisance from their neighbours. They are incapable or do not dare to address each other about this and to solve their problems by themselves. Instead they look towards the authorities for help, which are dealing with insufficient capacity. As a consequence it is getting harder and harder to address and correct each other. Small problems and conflicts develop into big and complex issues.
      Amsterdam authorities use various policy tools, pointed at both increasing its own decisiveness and credibility and at mobilizing civilians. Those policies are the Bully-approach, Neighbourhood Safety Teams, Self-protective Neighbourhoods and stimulation of civic initiatives. The reality is stubborn, but also shows bottom-up examples which function succesfully and independently from government approaches and programs. In these examples civic force plays an important role.
      These examples, knowledge and persons who play key roles can be brought together and are useful in the search for solutions of problems in other situations. This is most effective when civilians attack issues and are integrated with worthy instruments from the authorities. This will gradually enable a reconstruction of the current system and a social reacquisition of neighbourhoods. In this social ‘football ‘ team civilians would be the strikers, backed up by a strong and professional governmental midfield. This article consecutively defines the current problem, regards the governmental instruments, bottom-up initiatives. It ends up with the suggestion for the construction of a good teamplay between policy tools en bottom up initiatives.

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