Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Nut en onnut van morele beginselen en ‘hoge principes’

Een reactie op Bart Pattyn

Trefwoorden restorative justice, ethics, moral praxis
Auteurs Bas van Stokkom

Bas van Stokkom
Bas van Stokkom is als ethicus, socioloog en criminoloog verbonden aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en de Radboud Universiteit.
  • Samenvatting

      Van Stokkom endorses Pattyn’s criticism of principled ethics. It is more convincing to view ethics as a way to understand moral practices and moral experiences. For example, the ethical value of restorative justice practices resides in moral communication in which the participants strive for recognition. Nevertheless, Pattyn does not notice that moral justifications often rely on ethical principles. When we must make choices or introduce new policies, we often cannot escape justifications that fit in with ethical principles. Nevertheless, these principles may also paralyze or polarize discussions. In populist times – with its punitive rhetoric – it seems wise to keep public discussion at bay from ‘high restorative principles’ such as the ‘superfluity of punishment’ and concentrate on the narrative power of restorative justice practices.

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