Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Ethiek en herstelrecht

Trefwoorden restorative justice, ethics, moral praxis
Auteurs Bart Pattyn

Bart Pattyn
Bart Pattyn is als hoofddocent verbonden aan het Centrum voor Ethiek, Sociale en Politieke Filosofie (Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek) te Leuven.
  • Samenvatting

      Conceptions of what ethics are about inform the expectations one has when consulting ethicians. To illustrate this Pattyn shows how two different conceptions of ethics generate two opposite expectations. One could either consider ethics as a specific disciplinary domain that can evaluate and judge decisively about a certain phenomenon on the basis of fundamental criteria, or see ethics as the study of the ways in which a phenomenon – such as restorative justice – can appear as a morally accountable praxis in a specific cultural setting or ‘situated understanding’. Pattyn argues that only the second view makes sense and discusses several types of settings and understandings in relation to various types of judicial settlement. The conclusion following from the analysis is that the ambitions of restorative justice amount to an everyday moral strategy to heal the damaged cohesion of social groups after a transgression and to offer offender and victim alike the opportunity to rehabilitate.

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