Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Het belang van ideologie

Een reactie op Marc Groenhuijsen

Trefwoorden restorative justice, Paradigma, Tailoring, victims
Auteurs John Blad

John Blad
John Blad is hoofddocent strafrechtswetenschappen, verbonden aan de Erasmus Law School van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Blad responds to Groenhuijsen by showing how political decisions in the Netherlands, after successful experiments with restorative justice for juveniles and adults, were based on the belief that criminal justice would lose its punitive foundation and tenor when restorative justice practices would become integrated in the justice system. Criminal justice should not be about resolving conflicts between victims and offenders and the type of mediation, that could lead to an agreement as an important element to be considered in sentencing, was therefore rejected. In so far as restorative justice ideology took influence, it seems to have been a misconception of restorative justice as merely a new form of penal abolitionism. The fact that restorative justice does not deny the legitimacy of the provisions in the substantive criminal law and that all important restorative projects co-operate with criminal justice agencies was apparently ignored. Against the background of the dominant political culture of ‘punitive populism’ and intensified use of severe punishments it seems highly unlikely that abandoning the ambition to develop a restorative justice paradigm would further the implementation of restorative justice.

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