Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Maatschappelijke integratie: variëren op het thema

Een reactie op Maria Bouverne-De Bie & Rudi Roose en Lode Walgrave

Trefwoorden restorative justice, social work, reintegration, structural problems
Auteurs Jan van Lieshout

Jan van Lieshout
Jan van Lieshout is journalist en betrokken bij de Eigen Kracht Centrale te Zwolle.
  • Samenvatting

      The author, reflecting upon both Bouverne-De Bie & Roose and Walgrave, deplores to some degree the fact that the Journal for Restorative Justice, from its foundation, has narrowed its focus and scope by making it a priority to attempt to influence the criminal justice system. Most of the conflicts and troubles between citizens never reach the criminal agencies and are dealt with by other methods, such as methods of social work, without approaching the police. The potential scope for influencing conflict-behavior is therefore immensely greater outside the sphere of the criminal law.

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