Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Herstelrecht en de maatschappelijke (re)integratie van de dader

Trefwoorden restorative justice, social work, reintegration, structural problems
Auteurs Maria Bouverne-De Bie en Rudi Roose

Maria Bouverne-De Bie
Maria Bouverne-De Bie is als hoofddocent verbonden aan de vakgroep Sociale, Culturele en Vrijetijdsagogiek van de Universiteit van Gent.

Rudi Roose
Rudi Roose is als wetenschappelijk assistent verbonden aan de vakgroep Sociale, Culturele en Vrijetijdsagogiek van de Universiteit van Gent.
  • Samenvatting

      Social (re-)integration is such a complex phenomenon that it is not possible to make a direct link between restorative justice and social reintegration of offenders. If one considers restorative justice, not in its utility for maintaining the law but as a praxis of social work, one could get the impression that restorative justice runs the risk of individualizing the social problem of crime by making offenders responsible and of losing sight of the structural dimensions causing or contributing to criminality. The same structural dimensions may appear to be a blockade for effective emancipation of offenders from their often marginal and powerless positions. Considered as a praxis of social work, restorative justice should be able to promote (the awareness of) accountability and the mutual exploration of the many roads that can lead to effective emancipation and reintegration.

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