Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Mensenrechtelijk georiënteerd manspersoon zoekt vrouw, liefst herstelrechtelijk georiënteerd

Een reactie op Joost Huysmans en Frank Verbruggen

Trefwoorden restorative justice, human rights, criminal procedure, guarantees
Auteurs Renée Kool

Renée Kool
Renée Kool is hoofddocent straf(proces)recht, verbonden aan het Willem Pompe Instituut van de Juridische Faculteit, Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      The author responds to Huysmans and Verbruggen by stressing the importance of recognizing that the criminal procedure has aims, which are entirely different from the aims of restorative procedures. If things can be so arranged that the criminal justice system provides for a structural place and use of restorative procedures, these should and could be guided by different rights and safeguards, which fit and reinforce the different aims of restorative justice and promote their justice qualities. Initial legal studies to develop suitable procedural rights and safeguards for restorative justice have been produced and should be elaborated upon.

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