Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Het aanbod van herstelgerichte interventies aan slachtoffers van geweldsmisdrijven

Is een beschermende of proactieve aanpak wenselijk?

Trefwoorden slachtoffers, victimologie, geweldsmisdrijven, slachtofferhulp, bemiddeling, bescherming
Auteurs Tinneke Van Camp

Tinneke Van Camp
Tinneke Van Camp is doctoraatsstudent aan de École de Criminologie, Université de Montréal (Canada), en vrijwillig medewerker van het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie, KULeuven.
  • Samenvatting

      Evaluative studies show that victims are generally satisfied with their participation in a restorative intervention, even when concerning violent crime. Therefore, we don’t have to ask whether restorative justice should be offered to victims of crime, but how it should be offered. Using the victimological literature, we explore the appropriateness of two opposing models with regard to the offer in violent crime cases. The protective model, as for instance endorsed by victim support services in Québec, is based on the concern for the protection of vulnerable victims. The proactive model, as inscribed in the 2005 law on the general offer of mediation in Belgium, is based on the informed consent principle. Both models respect the needs of victims, while ranking these needs differently. The available empirical and theoretical observations on the subject do not unilaterally support or reject either model. We, therefore, present a complementary, albeit theoretical model, i.e. the integration of the invitation to a restorative intervention within victim support services.

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