Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Wettelijke bepalingen voor herstelgerichte afdoeningen

Niet te weinig, niet te veel

Trefwoorden bemiddelingsdiensten, wetgeving, preventie, strafproces
Auteurs Martin Wright

Martin Wright
Martin Wright is senior onderzoeker aan De Montfort Universiteit in Leicester, Engeland.
  • Samenvatting

      Legislation affects restorative justice in four ways: existing legislation may allow it, new laws may enable it, laws may limit it, or restorative justice may be the norm. Examples from different countries are given and specific questions about the relationship of restorative justice to the criminal justice system discussed. It is suggested that, broadly speaking, safeguards should be legislated and practice regulated by an independent body. It is concluded that restorative practices, have the potential to transform society’s response to harmful behaviour.

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