Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Georganiseerde misdaad in de 21ste eeuw

Trefwoorden organized crime
Auteurs Prof. dr. Toine Spapens, Prof. dr. Emile Kolthoff en Prof. dr. Wouter Stol

Prof. dr. Toine Spapens
Prof. dr. A.C.M. Spapens is hoogleraar criminologie aan de Universiteit van Tilburg.

Prof. dr. Emile Kolthoff
Prof. dr. E.W. Kolthoff is hoogleraar criminologie aan de Open Universiteit en lector Veiligheid, openbare orde en recht bij Avans Hogeschool in Den Bosch.

Prof. dr. Wouter Stol
Prof. dr. W.Ph. Stol is lector Cybersafety aan de NHL Hogeschool en Politieacademie en bijzonder hoogleraar Politiestudies aan de Open Universiteit.
  • Samenvatting

      In the past decades, organised crime internationalised rapidly as a result of increasing mobility and ‘open’ borders. At the same time developments in information and communication technology have led to modernisation of existing types of crime and the introduction of novel ones. Finally, criminals have benefited from increasingly diversified migration streams. In the Netherlands and Belgium, organised crime appeared on the agenda in the 1990s. For a long time emphasis was on ‘trade crimes’ i.e. trafficking in drugs and humans, as well as human smuggling, followed by the production of synthetic drugs and cannabis. More recently the Low Countries are confronted by more visible manifestations of organised crime, for example rapid growth of outlaw motorcycle gangs. Criminals also try to utilise their capital to invest in businesses and real estate and to influence local politics.

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