Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Criminele expats

Britse criminelen in Nederland en Nederlandse criminelen in Spanje

Trefwoorden drugshandel, Internationale criminaliteit, Spanje, Verenigd Koninkrijk
Auteurs Dr. Melvin Soudijn en Dr. Sander Huisman

Dr. Melvin Soudijn
Dr. M. Soudijn is senior onderzoeker bij de KLPD, melvin.soudijn@klpd.politie.nl.

Dr. Sander Huisman
Dr. S. Huisman is senior onderzoeker bij de KLPD, Sander.huisman@klpd.politie.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      This article focuses on migration with criminal motives. Two specific groups are discussed, British migrants in the Netherlands and Dutch migrants in Spain. Little is written on criminal migration motives in combination with Western subjects. On the other hand, investigative authorities have first-hand knowledge on this matter. An analysis of 25 closed case files shows that within these two groups of migrants, some people are heavily involved in the international drugs trade. Although their numbers are small, their function is important. Through their actions it becomes possible for certain cities or areas to evolve into international criminal drug marketplaces. There are also some differences between British and Dutch criminals abroad. British criminals are often involved as brokers. They broker drugs for third parties in Great Britain. Their stay in the Netherlands seems temporarily. They do not invest in the economy or buy property. Conversely, Dutch criminals in Spain could be described as leaders of organized crime groups. They invest in Spain by buying companies and property.

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