
Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid

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Aflevering 1, 2012 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Access_open Godsdienst: what’s in a name?

Auteurs Sophie van Bijsterveld

Sophie van Bijsterveld
Prof. dr. S.C. van Bijsterveld is bijzonder hoogleraar Religie, rechtsstaat en samenleving aan de Universiteit van Tilburg. Zij is redactielid van Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid. s.c.vbijsterveld@uvt.nl.

Access_open Tijd voor een ruimere eedspraktijk

Laat ieder de eed afleggen volgens eigen godsdienstige gezindheid

Trefwoorden Eed, andere religies, belijdenisvrijheid
Auteurs Jurn de Vries

    It fits in with the objective of the oath that everybody is given the opportunity to swear an oath in compliance with his or her own faith. In The Netherlands this has already been legally possible since 1911. It is in agreement with the articles 1 and 6 of the Constitution and with tradition. After all, those who take the oath must fully realize the obligations they enter into. There is, however, some uncertainty about the scope and purport of the law of 1911. Therefore we are making three recommendations to clarify the rules.

Jurn de Vries
Dr. J.P. de Vries is onderzoeker aan de Theologische Universiteit van de Gereformeerde Kerken (vr.) in Kampen. vries.jpde@tiscali.nl.

Access_open Lichtend voorbeeld of dwaallicht?

Het Nederlandse model van de verhouding tussen overheid en religie in theorie en praktijk

Trefwoorden Kerk en staat, beleidsmodel, pragmatisme, Nederland
Auteurs Lars Nickolson

    In the Netherlands, a national model for church-state relations is often put forward as the guiding light for authorities struggling with governance dilemmas related to religion. This model supposedly represents ‘The Dutch Way’ of dealing with religion and is, among other things, linked to multiculturalism, a pragmatic outlook, and typically Dutch historical processes like pillarization. This paper examines whether this model holds up in practice. It argues that the Dutch model does not suffice as an accurate description of current policy practices at the local level and that, given various underlying processes that influence this practice, this model also does not provide a credible normative guideline for the future. Dutch society has undergone significant changes, and the Dutch model should be rethought accordingly.

Lars Nickolson
L. Nickolson MA is beleidsmedewerker van FORUM - Instituut voor Multiculturele Vraagstukken in Utrecht. L.nickolson@forum.nl.

Access_open Grootayatollah Fadlallahs boodschap aan de Nederlandse moslims

‘Integratie is een religieuze plicht’

Trefwoorden Fadlallah, integratie, sjiisme, Nederland
Auteurs Joseph Alagha, Huub Damoiseaux en Arnout van Ree

    The authors endeavour to provide new insights on the continuing Dutch debate on ‘immigration’, ‘integration’, and the assumed clash between Islam and Dutch norms, values, and culture. The late Lebanese ayatollah Fadlallah (1935-2010) specifically addressed the Dutch situation in 2005-2010. The article is based on interviews with him, his Dutch followers, and literary sources. It demonstrates that Fadlallah and his followers hold liberal views on contentious issues such as women’s rights, veiling, integration, and condemn violence and terrorism as exemplified by 9/11. On these grounds, the authors question the supposed incompatibility between Islam and integration, arguing that the precepts of practice cast doubt on the validity of such a contention.

Joseph Alagha
Dr. J. Alagha is voormalig docent Midden Oosten Studies aan het Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS). Hij is de auteur van drie peer-reviewed boeken: Hizbullah’s Identity Construction (2011), Hizbullah’s Documents (2011) en The Shifts in Hizbullah’s Ideology (2006): http://www.hum.leidenuniv.nl/lucis/lucis-signaleert/books-alagha.html. jalagha2001@yahoo.com.

Huub Damoiseaux
Mr. drs. H. Damoiseaux studeerde Rechten (UU) en Politicologie (UvA). huubdamoiseaux@gmail.com.

Arnout van Ree
A. van Ree is BA Geschiedenis (scriptie over Hizbullah en diens integratie in de politieke arena van 1991 tot 2009) en MA-student Area Studies: Asia and the Middle East aan de Universiteit Leiden. ptsa.van.ree@gmail.com.

Access_open Religie in het publieke omroepbestel: van preken voor eigen parochie naar integratie en dialoog

Trefwoorden religie, media, levensbeschouwelijke omroepen
Auteurs Peter de Goede

    The Netherlands public-service broadcasting system is confronted with an austerity policy of the present liberal-christian democrat minority cabinet, supported by the populist Party for Freedom. The Rutte cabinet also aims at scaling back the amount of large member-based broadcasting associations. Merger talks are now high on the agenda in Hilversum. Apart from the large member-based broadcasters a small amount of airtime is given to several broadcast organizations that represent the main religious or spiritual communities (catholic, protestant, jewish, buddhist, humanist, hindu, islamic). They are also involved in the merger talks. This article clarifies their present position in the Dutch broadcasting system under the Media Act. It is argued that they should integrate to form one, internally pluralist, task-based broadcaster for ‘higher things’, especially in order to stimulate religious encounters and dialogue.

Peter de Goede
Dr. P.J.M. de Goede is senior wetenschappelijk medewerker bij de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid in Den Haag. goede@wrr.nl.

Access_open De langdurige binding van de kerk aan de staat

Trefwoorden Binding kerk, staat, geschiedenis
Auteurs Ben Koolen

    This article sketches the historical development of the relationship between church and state up to the Napoleontic era. The church appears, never to be able to refrain from the patronage on its internal organisation by the monarchs. The development since the 19th century will be object of a sequel, with special attention to their position in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Ben Koolen
Dr. G.M.J.M. Koolen heeft diverse artikelen gepubliceerd over de relatie tussen religie en samenleving in historisch perspectief. Hij is redactielid van Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid. gmjmkoolen@tele2.nl