
Risicogericht of krachtgericht reclasseringswerk?

Vinden van de juiste balans

Trefwoorden probation, strengths, risk, rehabilitation
Auteurs Jacqueline Bosker, Annelies Sturm, Corina Stins en John Remmers

Jacqueline Bosker
Dr Jacqueline Bosker is lector Werken in Justitieel Kader bij Hogeschool Utrecht en lid van de redactie van PROCES.

Annelies Sturm
Dr Annelies Sturm is docent-onderzoeker bij Hogeschool Utrecht.

Corina Stins
Corina Stins is reclasseringswerker bij Inforsa in Amsterdam.

John Remmers
John Remmers is ervaringsdeskundige en projectleider bij Novadic Kentron.
  • Samenvatting

      In recent years there has been a strong emphasis on risk management in probation work in many countries including the Netherlands. But probation officers also have the task of guiding and supporting offenders in their process of desistance from crime. This article focuses on the question how strength-focused and risk-focused approaches can be combined. Authors explain what these approaches mean and how they are reflected in some commonly used theoretical models in probation work. Then, using two case examples, insight is provided into how an integration of a risk-oriented and strength-oriented approach can take shape in practice.

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