
De eeuwige zoektocht naar de meest fundamentele persoonlijke oorzaken van misdadigheid

Een historische schets van de forensische psychiatrie

Trefwoorden forensische psychiatrie, mensbeeld, toerekeningsvatbaarheid
Auteurs Prof. dr. Joke Harte en Mr. Hanneke Beekman

Prof. dr. Joke Harte
Prof. dr. Joke Harte is hoogleraar bij de afdeling Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit en lid van de redactie van PROCES.

Mr. Hanneke Beekman
Mr. Hanneke Beekman, juriste, is werkzaam als stafjurist in het Pieter Baan Centrum te Almere en bij de Dienst Noord-Holland van het Nederlands Instituut voor Forensische Psychiatrie en Psychologie (NIFP) te Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      For this anniversary issue of the centenary of the journal PROCES, we focused on the field of forensic psychiatry. What does one hundred years of PROCES tell us about the developments in this domain? Our starting point was an article from 1930. At that time, forensic psychiatry was not yet an integrated part of the criminal process. The anonymous author makes a plea for this to be the case. He substantiates this on the basis of four cases from his own practice. Now, one hundred years later, we conclude that this integration of forensic psychiatry into the criminal justice practice has been accomplished: there is ample attention to the mental health of suspects and detainees. The cases also show us how drastically the perspective on delinquents with a mental condition has changed, as a suspect suffering from a mental disorder was seen, by definition, as not criminally responsible. Reviewing the developments of the past hundred years has made us realize how temporary and transient our current perspective is. We are, however, convinced that the interest in individual motives of delinquents will always remain.

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