Dr. Gert Jan Slump
Dr. Gert Jan Slump is criminoloog en medeoprichter van Restorative Justice Nederland en Jongerenrechtbanken Nederland en medeontwikkelaar van Communityprocessing.

Veronique Aicha Achoui
Veronique Aicha Achoui is sociaal psycholoog en nationaal coördinator RESCALED.

Frans Douw
Frans Douw is voormalig gevangenisdirecteur, host van Prison Show en bestuurder van de stichting Herstel en Terugkeer.

Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet
Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet is zelfstandig gevestigd adviseur en onderzoeker en sinds 1999 lid van de redactie van PROCES.
  • Samenvatting

      In 1985 the Second International Congress on (Prison) Abolitionism took place. The organizers wanted to denounce the formalistic-legal approach to crime and revise the criminal pretensions. The aim was to develop a non-repressive process of conflict regulation. This contribution addresses the question of whether or to what extent the development of restorative justice in recent decades is an extension of the abolitionist perspective. Among other things, the developments in punishment and restorative detention and restorative justice in The Netherlands are discussed. It is concluded that restorative justice in a broad sense- and the introduction of small-scale, tailor-made detention are a realistic, at this time appropriate continuation of the efforts to find solutions for resolving conflicts outside criminal law.

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