
De twitterende wijkagent, veiligheidsbeleving en het beeld van de politie

Trefwoorden Police, perception of safety, sociale media, Twitter
Auteurs Dr. Imke Smulders

Dr. Imke Smulders
Dr. I.M.P. Smulders is onderzoeker bij het Expertisecentrum Veiligheid van Avans Hogeschool in ’s-Hertogenbosch.
  • Samenvatting

      This article reports briefly on research into the relationship between Twitter use by community police officers and citizens’ perceived safety. To this end, multiple relevant determinants of safety perceptions were included in the study: assessment of objective safety, perceptions of quality of life and social capital, risk perception and opinion on the police. The use of Twitter proved to have a modest, yet significant impact: followers on Twitter report a lower assessment of objective safety and a more positive opinion on the police. No direct, significant relation was found between the use of Twitter by the neighbourhood police officer and citizens’ perceived safety.

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