Drs. Lous Krechtig
Drs. Lous Krechtig is senior ontwikkelaar en onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Werken in Justitieel Kader bij het Kenniscentrum Sociale Innovatie van de Hogeschool Utrecht.

Drs. Mirjam Wildeboer
Mirjam Wildeboer is kwaliteitsfunctionaris voor de regio zuid-west van Reclassering Nederland en neemt deel aan de Master Forensisch Sociale Professional.
  • Samenvatting

      Recently the Dutch probation is faced with changes in the local situation: new forms of cooperation and networks have emerged, due to the transformation of the social domain. The probation officers participate on different levels in these networks. They can no longer simply deliver their ‘products’, but have to ‘do what is necessary. A lot of decisions have to be made on the operational level.
      Examples of the changes are given. Recent research on cooperation in the social domain show that ‘cooperation’ is easier sad then done. These changes ask for a new set of competences.

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