Debbie J.M. Mollen
Debbie J.M. Mollen is werkzaam op de afdeling Executie bij het Ressortsparket Arnhem-Leeuwarden.

Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet
Dr. Jaap A. van Vliet is zelfstandig adviseur en onderzoeker en tevens redacteur van PROCES.
  • Samenvatting

      The probation in the Netherlands works more victim conscious since last year. Victim conscious working in probation is defined as: involving the perspective and interests of the victim when working with offenders. This broadly and to the extent it is justifiable from the primary task of the probation to reduce recidivism and promote the re-integration of probation clients/offenders. With this justification is both the moral level (right action) as being involved professional standards (effective action).
      The article describes, among other, a study on how the victim consciously work has been implemented within the Salvation Army Probation Service in the Netherlands.

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