
De VOG en minderjarige wetsovertreders

Trefwoorden juveniles, criminal records, reintegration, juvenile justice
Auteurs Prof. mr. drs. Mariëlle Bruning

Prof. mr. drs. Mariëlle Bruning
Prof. mr. drs. Mariëlle Bruning is hoogleraar Jeugdrecht aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      Juvenile offenders are confronted with criminal records. When they want to start education, work or an internship after detention, they often need a certificate of good conduct. In the Netherlands in recent years it has become more difficult for youth offenders to receive this certificate; criminal records have a detrimental impact, in particular for sex offenders. International juvenile justice standards stress the importance of the right of youngsters to social reintegration and protection of the right to privacy and should lead to an adjustment of this policy of repression.

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