
Jeugdzonde, eeuwig zonde?

Een onderzoek naar de beoordelingswijze van Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag-aanvragen van jongeren

Trefwoorden juvenile ex-offenders, collateral sentencing, conduct certificate, legitimacy
Auteurs Elina Kurtovic

Elina Kurtovic
Elina Kurtovic is advocaat te Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This study aims to examine the practice of the decision making on conduct certificate requests of juvenile ex-offenders, as there has not been done any empirical research on this topic so far. 57 cases are studied in order to answer the question whether the decision making meets the legal and penological justifications for collateral sentencing. Conclusion is the decisions are not proportional as to the seriousness of the risks which are aimed to be prevented and the relation between the past convictions and the desired job. Moreover, the requests are being individually assessed, yet more weight should be attached to the age, interests and positive developments of juvenile ex-offenders. Only then, the decisions can be regarded legitimate and proportional and do hinder juvenile ex-offenders’ successful reintegration into society.

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