
‘Gestraft’ na de straf

Legitimiteit en proportionaliteit van juridische belemmeringen na afloop van de straf

Trefwoorden Certificate of good conduct, wet justitiële en strafvorderlijke gegevens, collateral sentencing, disqualifications
Auteurs Prof. dr. Miranda Boone

Prof. dr. Miranda Boone
Prof. dr. Miranda Boone is bijzonder hoogleraar Penologie en Penitentiair recht aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en universitair hoofddocent aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      In this contribution the question is addressed how measures that aim to hold ex-convicts from occupying certain jobs and positions can be justified and what their limitations are. In the literature on collateral sentencing in particular four conditions are stressed. First, the vulnerable character of the occupation or activity involved. Second, there should be a strong relation between the conviction and the risk that has to be avoided. Third, collateral consequences should be individualized and only be imposed against those posing specific and demonstrable risks. Finally, a broad proportionality test should be applied on them, harsh civil disqualification should not be applied for relatively minor offences and burdensome restrictions may not be imposed in order to prevent relatively trivial risks. This theoretical model is applied on the regulation and practice of the Dutch conduct certificate.

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