
Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag

Tour d’horizon door de jurisprudentie

Trefwoorden declaration of good conduct, judicial procedure, jurisprudence, screening
Auteurs Mr. Jop Spijkerman

Mr. Jop Spijkerman
Mr. Jop Spijkerman is advocaat te Den Haag.
  • Samenvatting

      As a result of the workshop ‘Decision making VOG’, this article provides an overview of the relevant case-law regarding the issuing of a certificate of good conduct. This article especially focuses on the way an application of a certificate is being judged by the authorities (the COVOG) and later on the judge(s) using the objective and subjective criteria summed up in the ‘policy guideline VOG’. If possible, the article provides tips and tricks for applicants (and lawyers) regarding the application of a certificate of good conduct and the judicial procedure after the issuance is refused.

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