
De beoordeling van een VOG-aanvraag

Trefwoorden declaration of good conduct, integrity, screening, moral policy
Auteurs Mr. drs. Roy Wildemors

Mr. drs. Roy Wildemors
Mr. drs. Roy Wildemors is medewerker Juridische Zaken en Uitvoeringsbeleid bij de Dienst Justis.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article, Roy Wildemors explains how the Central Organisation for Certificates of Good Conduct decides on an application for a certificate of good conduct (CGC). First, it is determined whether the applicant has a criminal record that is relevant to the purpose for which the CGC has been applied for. If he does not have one, the CGC will be granted. If he has, specific personal circumstances will be taken into account, e.g. the number of antecedents, his age and the time that has passed since his last antecedent. Finally, his interests will be balanced against those of society.

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