Justitiële verkenningen

Book Review

Een insidersanalyse van de Franse politieorganisatie

Trefwoorden France, State of emergency, Police powers, Police organisation, Politisation
Auteurs Dr. G. Meershoek

Dr. G. Meershoek
Dr. Guus Meershoek is als lector Politiegeschiedenis verbonden aan de Politieacademie en als docent Safety Governance aan de Faculteit Bestuurskunde van de Universiteit Twente.
  • Samenvatting

      This contribution offers a review of the recently published book Sécurité. Ce qu’on vous cache (‘Security. What is being hidden for you’) written by Patrice Bergougnoux (with Frédéric Ploquin). Bergougnoux has had a long career inside the French police organisation. His book comes out at a crucial moment, now the French police has become subject of a fierce debate due to its expanded powers during the state of emergency in place since the terrorist attacks in Paris in november 2016 up to today. Bergougnoux gives an insider’s view on the police organisation and how it became a subject of power struggle between various French political forces. While the French have had a national police for 75 years, the Netherlands only recently formed a national force. This book entails a national vision on how to structure the police services and as such could be inspiring for the Dutch debate on the national police.

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