Justitiële verkenningen


Tussen zorg en hoop

De ontwikkeling van de nationale politieorganisatie

Trefwoorden national police force, police reform, change, organizational dynamics, leadership
Auteurs Dr. W. Landman

Dr. W. Landman
Dr. Wouter Landman is als onderzoeker en adviseur werkzaam bij Twynstra Gudde. De auteur schreef dit artikel op persoonlijke titel.
  • Samenvatting

      In 2013, the government of the Netherlands established a national police force, replacing a system of largely autonomous regional police organizations. This led to an extensive police reform. In this article, I explore the effects of this police reform on the internal dynamics within the police organization. I describe five ‘negative’ effects: anonymization, decoupling, formalization, confusion and de-owning. These effects lead to alienation between police offers and the police organization and hinder the development of the national police force. Beside these negative effects, there are also positive forces that shape the development of the national police force. The top leadership is changing the strategic leadership style and there are many innovative initiatives on the local level contributing to the goals of the reform. However, to make the ambitions of the reform feasible there are adjustments needed in the organizational structure and change approach. The operational core of the organization needs to be the central point of reference for these adjustments.

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