Justitiële verkenningen


Retourmigratie van arbeidsmigranten uit Nederland

Trefwoorden return migration, labour migrants, duration of stay, labour market performance, migration policy
Auteurs G. Bijwaard

G. Bijwaard
Dr. Govert Bijwaard is onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Interdisciplinair Demografisch Instituut (NIDI).
  • Samenvatting

      It is often overlooked that many migrants only stay temporary in the host country. From a policy view the question as to what extent labour market performance affects the decisions of migrants to return to their home country is highly relevant. Based on data on recent labour migrants to the Netherlands this question is investigated. From the host country perspective it is positive that unemployment and low income shorten the duration of stay. This implies that the overconcern by host countries being burdened by welfare seekers is unfounded. However, high-income migrants are also more prone to leave. Thus, even when policies of attracting highly qualified labour migrants are successful, this won’t have a sustainable effect on the labour market in the Netherlands. These migrants usually don’t stay very long in the country, but either move on or return to their home country.

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