
Justitiële verkenningen

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Aflevering 6, 2013 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen


Auteurs B. van Gestel, R.P.W. Jennissen en M.P.C. Scheepmaker

B. van Gestel
Dr. Barbra van Gestel is als onderzoeker verbonden aan de onderzoeksafdeling Criminaliteit, Rechtshandhaving en Sancties van het WODC en redactieraadlid van Justitiële verkenningen.

R.P.W. Jennissen
Dr. Roel Jennissen is als onderzoeker werkzaam bij de onderzoeksafdeling Rechtsbestel, Wetgeving en Internationale en Vreemdelingenaangelegenheden van het WODC en redactieraadlid van Justitiële verkenningen.

M.P.C. Scheepmaker
Mr.drs. Marit Scheepmaker is hoofdredacteur van Justitiële verkenningen.

De instroom van buitenlandse arbeiders en de migratiegeschiedenis van Nederland na 1945

Trefwoorden labour migration, the Netherlands, long boom, migration trends, expansion of the EU
Auteurs R.P.W. Jennissen

    This article describes the migration history of the Netherlands after World War II. The emphasis is on labour migration as the article seeks to clarify that the inflow of foreign labour had a large impact on the magnitude and the course of migration flows towards and from the Netherlands. This is quite obvious for the period in which labour migration was the most important immigration type. However, this article also deals with the influence of labour migration of earlier periods on other migration types, which became the most important immigration types from the first oil crisis of 1973. Next to the immigration history, the inflow of foreign labourers also affected the emigration history of the Netherlands to a certain extent.

R.P.W. Jennissen
Dr. Roel Jennissen is als onderzoeker verbonden aan het WODC.

Waarom komen minder vrouwelijke dan mannelijke arbeidsmigranten naar Nederland?

Trefwoorden labour migration, female labour migrants, gender patterns, labour migration policy, social network theory
Auteurs L.J.J. Wijkhuijs en R.P.W. Jennissen

    Since 1995 the influx of labour migrants in the Netherlands has increased steadily from over 10.000 in 1995 to around 47.000 in 2011. As a consequence, from 2007, searching a job is the main migration motive of non-Dutch immigrants to migrate to the Netherlands. On average, one third of all labour migrants were women. Explanations for the fact that a minority of the labour migrants coming to the Netherlands are women can be derived from the literature. Possible reasons are gender patterns (in the Netherlands and/or the countries of origin) and differences in the personal networks of men and women. In addition, the Dutch labour migration policy, and in particular the conditions applying to labour migrants (in terms of education and employment sector) as well as the restriction on the right of family members of labour migrants to work in the Netherlands, may limit the influx of female labour migrants.

L.J.J. Wijkhuijs
Dr. Vina Wijkhuijs is als senior onderzoeker/adviseur werkzaam bij het Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid.

R.P.W. Jennissen
Dr. Roel Jennissen is als onderzoeker verbonden aan het WODC.

Retourmigratie van arbeidsmigranten uit Nederland

Trefwoorden return migration, labour migrants, duration of stay, labour market performance, migration policy
Auteurs G. Bijwaard

    It is often overlooked that many migrants only stay temporary in the host country. From a policy view the question as to what extent labour market performance affects the decisions of migrants to return to their home country is highly relevant. Based on data on recent labour migrants to the Netherlands this question is investigated. From the host country perspective it is positive that unemployment and low income shorten the duration of stay. This implies that the overconcern by host countries being burdened by welfare seekers is unfounded. However, high-income migrants are also more prone to leave. Thus, even when policies of attracting highly qualified labour migrants are successful, this won’t have a sustainable effect on the labour market in the Netherlands. These migrants usually don’t stay very long in the country, but either move on or return to their home country.

G. Bijwaard
Dr. Govert Bijwaard is onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Interdisciplinair Demografisch Instituut (NIDI).

De maatschappelijke positie van Midden- en Oost-Europese arbeidsmigranten

Trefwoorden CEE migrants, social position, labour migration, housing conditions, posted workers
Auteurs E. Snel, M. Faber en G. Engbersen

    This article describes the social position of Central and Eastern European (CEE) migrants in the Netherlands, in particular their labour and housing position, using the results of recent Dutch research by three different groups of scholars. We cannot speak of a homogeneous group of migrants. The prevailing image of the hard-working labour migrant, doing low-qualified and often low-paid work (even though many of them are highly skilled) and faced with poor working and living conditions is largely confirmed by the available research. However, there are also knowledge workers (‘kennismigranten’) among the migrants from CEE-countries working in the Netherlands. In addition, the authors also found partners and children of previous migrants from CEE-countries, and students. This diversity of the new group of migrants from CEE-countries forms a challenge for local governments to find appropriate instruments to lead integration on the right track.

E. Snel
Dr. Erik Snel is verbonden aan de afdeling Sociologie van de Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

M. Faber
Marije Faber, MSc is werkzaam bij de afdeling Sociologie van de Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

G. Engbersen
Prof. dr. Godfried Engbersen is verbonden aan de afdeling Sociologie van de Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Marginaal gehuisveste arbeidsmigranten en overlast

Trefwoorden labour migrants, nuisance, housing policy, Central and Eastern Europe, public space
Auteurs B. van Gestel, E.K. van Straalen en M.A. Verhoeven

    Recent labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe has, next to positive economic facets, also negative aspects like nuisance. This article describes the nature of this nuisance and the circumstances causing this. According to key informants who have been interviewed for this study, the nuisances discussed in this article pertain to only a small part of the labour migrants. The nuisance related to labour migrants from Central and Eastern Europe mostly consists of loud ‘noises of living’ around the home and in public space. Considering the nuisance, the following aspects seem to be part of the cause: thin-walled houses and the (illegal) letting per room; poor commitment to the neighbourhood due to temporary stay; quarrels and acts of violence between labour migrants and excessive drinking; lack of privacy and therefore meeting in public space; and housing in neighbourhoods with an accumulation of social issues. In this article the authors describe these aspects and their occurrence.

B. van Gestel
Dr. Barbra van Gestel is werkzaam bij de onderzoeksafdeling Criminaliteit, Rechtshandhaving en Sancties van het WODC.

E.K. van Straalen
Elmarije van Straalen, MSc is werkzaam bij de onderzoeksafdeling Criminaliteit, Rechtshandhaving en Sancties van het WODC.

M.A. Verhoeven
Drs. Maite Verhoeven is werkzaam bij de onderzoeksafdeling Criminaliteit, Rechtshandhaving en Sancties van het WODC.

Roma-migratie in Europa vanuit Nederlands perspectief

Trefwoorden Roma, labour migration, minority groups
Auteurs P. Jorna

    This article focusses on the share of Roma in the labour migration from Eastern and Central Europe to the Netherlands. By combining European reports on the situation of what is Europe’s largest minority group with insights from Dutch migration studies push and pull factors are identified as well as the mobility patterns of Roma involved in the process of migration. Attention is also paid to the ‘when and how’ of the Dutch response (‘agenda setting’) – at home and in the European context – to the growing importance of the Roma issue in Europe. As an example the position of Bulgarian Roma in larger cities like Rotterdam is explored further.

P. Jorna
Drs. Peter Jorna is Consultant Roma & Sinti Issues en voormalig lid voor Nederland van de Committee of Experts on Roma, Raad van Europa (2005-2011).

M. Chotkowski
Dr. Margaret Chotkowski is als onderzoeker verbonden aan het WODC. Zij promoveerde in 2005 op het proefschrift Vijftien ladders en een dambord. Contacten van Italiaanse migranten in Nederland, 1890-1940.


