
Crimmigratie & Recht

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Aflevering 2, 2022 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Criminaliteit en integriteit

Auteurs Peter Rodrigues

Peter Rodrigues
Prof. mr. P.R. Rodrigues is hoogleraar immigratierecht bij de Universiteit Leiden en voorzitter van de redactie van dit tijdschrift.

    This article investigates the different approaches of the ECtHR as regards the non refoulement prohibition of Article 3 and the prohibition of collective expulsion under Article 4 of Protocol No. 4 of the Convention. In its decisions since the Hirsi Jamaa judgment, the Court increasingly seems to be less aware of the fact that effective access to asylum procedures cannot be guaranteed when standards prohibiting collective expulsions – forming the vestibule to asylum and thus non refoulement – are watered down. Ultimately, by attributing the lack of individual removal decisions and pushbacks to applicants’ own (culpable) conduct, it is argued that potential asylum seekers might be limited in their procedural guarantees under the ECHR.

Flip Schüller
Mr. P.J. Schüller is immigration and asylum lawyer at Prakken d’Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers.

Fadi Fahad
Mr. F. Fahad, is paralegal at Prakken d’Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers.

Access_open Where the law loses its function: the contested politics of visibility surrounding pushbacks at the EU border in Greece

Trefwoorden border violence, criminalization, (in)visibility, geopolitics, resistance
Auteurs Anna Reißig

    Based on online ethnographic fieldwork, this contribution conceptualizes pushback practices at the Evros border as a strategy of crimmigration that targets migrants and their supporters. The political tensions between Greece and Turkey are discussed as a driver of the normalization of pushbacks. New levels of violence and repression in this context point to an increasingly authoritarian spirit. By examining the complex interactions between the different state and non-state actors who shape the politics of visibility surrounding pushbacks in Greece, the article aims to challenge the dehumanizing discourses around migrants as either passive victims of geopolitical strategies or potential security threats.

Anna Reißig
Anna Reißig holds an MSc in Advanced Research in Criminology from Erasmus University Rotterdam and the University of Kent. She is currently working as a trainee in the Democratization Department of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.

zonder titel

Auteurs Shadows United

Shadows United
Het kunstenaarscollectief Shadows United is een bijzondere groep Rotterdamse kunstenaars met en zonder de juiste verblijfspapieren. Ze strijden voor social justice en gebruiken schaduwtheater om de complexe realiteit van het leven te vangen, vorm te geven en te verteren. Het zijn Rotterdammers die al jarenlang leven als schaduwen van de stad. Als kunstenaar herdefiniëren zij zichzelf. Ze gaan met hun kunst op zoek naar een gehoor voor duizenden schaduwen. Shadows United bestaat uit de volgende kunstenaars: Abdul, Arthur, Andreia, Anita, Elvis, Jozef, Luc, Nour, John en Stavros.

Annotatie kort

Massale toestroom derdelanders geen rechtvaardiging toegangsbeperking en bewaring

Auteurs Peter Rodrigues

Peter Rodrigues
Prof. mr. P.R. Rodrigues is hoogleraar immigratierecht bij de Universiteit Leiden en voorzitter van de redactie van dit tijdschrift.